Earvin Charles B. Cabalquinto
Earvin Charles B. Cabalquinto
Digital Migration Scholar at Monash University
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Cited by
“We’re not only here but we’re there in spirit”: Asymmetrical mobile intimacy and the transnational Filipino family
EC Cabalquinto
Mobile Media & Communication, 1-16, 2018
‘They could picture me, or I could picture them’: ‘Displaying’ family life beyond borders through mobile photography
EC Cabalquinto
Information, Communication & Society, 2019
Home on the move: negotiating differential domesticity in family life at a distance
EC Cabalquinto
Media, Culture & Society 40 (6), 795-816, 2018
(Im) mobile homes: Family life at a distance in the age of mobile media
ECB Cabalquinto
Oxford University Press, 2022
Ambivalent intimacies: Entangled pains and gains through Facebook use in transnational family life
EC Cabalquinto
Digital intimate publics and social media, 247-263, 2018
Migrant platformed subjectivity: Rethinking the mediation of transnational affective economies via digital connectivity services
EC Cabalquinto, G Wood-Bradley
International Journal of Cultural Studies 23 (5), 787 - 802, 2020
‘Hey, I like ur videos. Super relate!’Locating sisterhood in a postcolonial intimate public on YouTube
EC Cabalquinto, CRR Soriano
Information, communication & society 23 (6), 892-907, 2020
Performing “digital labor bayanihan”: strategies of influence and survival in the platform economy
CR Soriano, EC Cabalquinto, JH Panaligan
Sociologias 23 (57), 84 - 111, 2021
Transnational mobile carework: Filipino migrants, family intimacy, and mobile media
CS Uy-Tioco, ECB Cabalquinto
Mobile media and social intimacies in Asia: Reconfiguring local ties and …, 2020
‘“It should allow me to opt in or opt out”: Investigating smartphone use and the contending attitudes of commuters towards geolocation data collection
E Cabalquinto, B Hutchins
Telematics and Informatics 51, 101403, 2020
“I have always thought of my family first”: an analysis of transnational caregiving among Filipino migrant adult children in Melbourne, Australia
E Cabalquinto
Deakin University, 2018
Elastic carework: The cost and contradictions of mobile caregiving in a transnational household
EC Cabalquinto
Continuum 34 (1), 133-145, 2020
Digital ties, disrupted togetherness: locating uneven communicative mobilities in transnational family life
EC Cabalquinto
Deakin University, 2019
‘Without technology we’d be very stuck’: Ageing migrants’ differential (im)mobile practices during a lockdown
ECB Cabalquinto
Media International Australia, 2022
[Dis] connected households: transnational family life in the age of mobile internet
EC Cabalquinto
Second international handbook of internet research, 83-103, 2020
Philippine Digital Cultures: Brokerage Dynamics on YouTube
CR Soriano, EC Cabalquinto
Amsterdam University Press, 2022
Telecocooning in the age of (im) mobility
EC B Cabalquinto
Communication, Culture & Critique 14 (2), 351-355, 2021
At home elsewhere: The transnational Kapamilya imaginary in selected ABS-CBN Station IDs
EC Cabalquinto
Plaridel: A Journal of Philippine Communication, Media and Society 11 (1), 1-26, 2014
Care within or out of reach: Fantasies of care and connectivity in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
EC Cabalquinto, T Ahlin
Viral Loads: Anthropologies of urgency in the time of COVID-19, 344 - 361, 2021
Standby mothering: Temporalities, affects, and the politics of mobile intergenerational care
EC Cabalquinto
Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 18 (3), 358-376, 2020
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Articles 1–20