Wangyan Li
Cited by
Cited by
Weighted average consensus-based unscented Kalman filtering
W Li, G Wei, F Han, Y Liu
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 46 (2), 558-567, 2015
A survey on multisensor fusion and consensus filtering for sensor networks
W Li, Z Wang, G Wei, L Ma, J Hu, D Ding
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2015 (1), 683701, 2015
A new look at boundedness of error covariance of Kalman filtering
W Li, G Wei, D Ding, Y Liu, FE Alsaadi
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 48 (2), 309-314, 2016
Stability analysis of covariance intersection-based Kalman consensus filtering for time-varying systems
G Wei, W Li, D Ding, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 50 (11), 4611-4622, 2018
Information fusion over network dynamics with unknown correlations: An overview
W Li, F Yang
International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence, 100003-100003, 2023
On boundedness of error covariances for Kalman consensus filtering problems
W Li, Z Wang, DWC Ho, G Wei
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (6), 2654-2661, 2019
A weightedly uniform detectability for sensor networks
W Li, G Wei, DWC Ho, D Ding
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (11), 5790-5796, 2018
Local condition-based finite-horizon distributed H∞-consensus filtering for random parameter system with event-triggering protocols
F Han, Y Song, S Zhang, W Li
Neurocomputing 219, 221-231, 2017
Probability-dependent H∞ synchronization control for dynamical networks with randomly varying nonlinearities
L Wang, G Wei, W Li
Neurocomputing 133, 369-376, 2014
A Survey on Gain‐Scheduled Control and Filtering for Parameter‐Varying Systems
G Wei, Z Wang, W Li, L Ma
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2014 (1), 105815, 2014
A data-based soft-sensor approach to estimating raceway depth in ironmaking blast furnaces
W Li, Y Zhuo, J Bao, Y Shen
Powder Technology 390, 529-538, 2021
Dissipativity-based distributed fault diagnosis for plantwide chemical processes
W Li, Y Yan, J Bao
Journal of Process Control 96, 37-48, 2020
Output-feedback control for stochastic impulsive systems under Round-Robin protocol
M Yao, G Wei, D Ding, W Li
Automatica 143, 110394, 2022
Distributed H∞-consensus filtering for piecewise discrete-time linear systems
F Han, G Wei, Y Song, W Li
Journal of the Franklin Institute 352 (5), 2029-2046, 2015
Minimal Number of Sensor Nodes for Distributed Kalman Filtering
W Li, F Yang, DV Thiel, G Wei
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020
A novel observability gramian-based fast covariance intersection rule
W Li, F Yang, G Wei
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 25 (10), 1570-1574, 2018
Probability‐Dependent Static Output Feedback Control for Discrete‐Time Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Missing Measurements
W Li, G Wei, L Wang
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2012 (1), 696742, 2012
Consensus-based unscented Kalman filter for sensor networks with sensor saturations
W Li, G Wei, F Han
2014 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control (ICMC), 1220-1225, 2014
Nonfragile Gain‐Scheduled Control for Discrete‐Time Stochastic Systems with Randomly Occurring Sensor Saturations
W Li, G Wei, HR Karimi, X Liu
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2013 (1), 629621, 2013
Data-based fault diagnosis via dissipativity-shaping
W Li, Y Yan, J Bao
IEEE Control Systems Letters 7, 484-489, 2022
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Articles 1–20