Arran Caza
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the relationships between organizational virtuousness and performance
KS Cameron, D Bright, A Caza
American behavioral scientist 47 (6), 766-790, 2004
Contributions to the discipline of positive organizational scholarship
KS Cameron, A Caza
American Behavioral Scientist 47 (6), 731-739, 2004
Authentic leadership and follower development: Psychological capital, positive work climate, and gender
L Woolley, A Caza, L Levy
Journal of leadership & organizational studies 18 (4), 438-448, 2011
The amplifying and buffering effects of virtuousness in downsized organizations
DS Bright, KS Cameron, A Caza
Journal of Business Ethics 64, 249-269, 2006
Psychological capital and authentic leadership: Measurement, gender, and cultural extension
A Caza, RP Bagozzi, L Woolley, L Levy, BB Caza
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 2 (1), 53-70, 2010
Organizational and leadership virtues and the role of forgiveness
K Cameron, A Caza
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 9 (1), 33-48, 2002
Ethics and ethos: The buffering and amplifying effects of ethical behavior and virtuousness
A Caza, BA Barker, KS Cameron
Journal of Business Ethics 52 (2), 169-178, 2004
An investigation of authentic leadership’s individual and group influences on follower responses
C Gill, A Caza
Journal of Management 44 (2), 530-554, 2018
Authentic leadership
A Caza, B Jackson
The SAGE handbook of leadership, 352-364, 2011
Positive organizational scholarship: A critical theory perspective
BB Caza, A Caza
Journal of Management Inquiry 17 (1), 21-33, 2008
Positive organizational scholarship: What does it achieve?
A Caza, KS Cameron
The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Behavior: Volume Two: Macro Approaches 2 …, 2008
How do you really feel? Effect of leaders' perceived emotional sincerity on followers' trust
A Caza, G Zhang, L Wang, Y Bai
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (4), 518-531, 2015
States of connectivity: New questions and new directions
DG Kolb, A Caza, PD Collins
Organization Studies 33 (2), 267-273, 2012
The durable effects of short-term programs on student leadership development
DM Rosch, A Caza
Journal of Leadership Education 11, 28-48, 2012
Context receptivity: innovation in an amateur sport organization.
A Caza
Journal of Sport Management 14 (3), 227-242, 2000
Psychological perceptions matter: Developing the reactions to the physical work environment scale
ELJ Sander, A Caza, PJ Jordan
Building and Environment 148, 338-347, 2019
Does identity matter? An investigation of the effects of authentic leadership on student-athletes’ psychological capital and engagement
J McDowell, YK Huang, A Caza
Journal of Sport Management 32 (3), 227-242, 2018
Effects of a holistic, experiential curriculum on business students' satisfaction and career confidence
A Caza, HH Brower, JH Wayne
The International Journal of Management Education 13 (1), 75-83, 2015
Antecedents of sustainable organizing: A look at the relationship between organizational culture and the triple bottom line
B Dyck, K Walker, A Caza
Journal of cleaner production 231, 1235-1247, 2019
New knowledge creation in organizations
F Lee, A Caza, A Edmondson, S Thomke
Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline, 194-206, 2003
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Articles 1–20