Ali T. Al-Awami
Cited by
Cited by
A particle-swarm-based approach of power system stability enhancement with unified power flow controller
AT Al-Awami, YL Abdel-Magid, MA Abido
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 29 (3), 251-259, 2007
A review of solar-powered water pumping systems
M Aliyu, G Hassan, SA Said, MU Siddiqui, AT Alawami, IM Elamin
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87, 61-76, 2018
Coordinating vehicle-to-grid services with energy trading
AT Al-Awami, E Sortomme
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 3 (1), 453-462, 2011
Coordinated bidding of ancillary services for vehicle-to-grid using fuzzy optimization
M Ansari, AT Al-Awami, E Sortomme, MA Abido
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (1), 261-270, 2014
Coordinated trading of wind and thermal energy
AT Al-Awami, MA El-Sharkawi
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 2 (3), 277-287, 2011
Optimal demand response bidding and pricing mechanism with fuzzy optimization: Application for a virtual power plant
AT Al-Awami, NA Amleh, AM Muqbel
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (5), 5051-5061, 2017
Fuzzy optimization for the operation of electric vehicle parking lots
S Faddel, AT Al-Awami, MA Abido
Electric Power Systems Research 145, 166-174, 2017
A new modified particle swarm optimization algorithm for adaptive equalization
AT Al-Awami, A Zerguine, L Cheded, A Zidouri, W Saif
Digital Signal Processing 21 (2), 195-207, 2011
A voltage-based controller for an electric-vehicle charger
AT Al-Awami, E Sortomme, GMA Akhtar, S Faddel
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (6), 4185-4196, 2015
Charge control and operation of electric vehicles in power grids: A review
S Faddel, AT Al-Awami, OA Mohammed
Energies 11 (4), 701, 2018
Co-optimized trading of wind-thermal-pumped storage system in energy and regulation markets
MS Al-Swaiti, AT Al-Awami, MW Khalid
Energy 138, 991-1005, 2017
Ancillary services bidding for uncertain bidirectional V2G using fuzzy linear programming
S Faddel, A Aldeek, AT Al-Awami, E Sortomme, Z Al-Hamouz
Energy 160, 986-995, 2018
Optimizing economic/environmental dispatch with wind and thermal units
AT Al-Awami, E Sortomme, MA El-Sharkawi
2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-6, 2009
A planning model for electric vehicle aggregators providing ancillary services
A Aldik, AT Al-Awami, E Sortomme, AM Muqbel, M Shahidehpour
IEEE Access 6, 70685-70697, 2018
A PSO based memory polynomial predistorter with embedded dimension estimation
AH Abdelhafiz, O Hammi, A Zerguine, AT Al-Awami, FM Ghannouchi
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 59 (4), 665-673, 2013
Analysis and design of UPFC damping stabilizers for power system stability enhancement
MA Abido, AT Al-Awami, YL Abdel-Magid
2006 IEEE international symposium on industrial electronics 3, 2040-2045, 2006
An algorithm for accurate detection and correction of technical and nontechnical losses using smart metering
AL Shah, W Mesbah, AT Al-Awami
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (11), 8809-8820, 2020
Electric vehicle charging modulation using voltage feedback control
AT Al-Awami, E Sortomme
2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2013
Hydro-PV-wind-battery-diesel based stand-alone hybrid power system
MMA Rahman, AT Al Awami, A Rahim
2014 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information …, 2014
Reliability and economic assessment of renewable micro-grid with V2G electric vehicles coordination
S Shafiq, AT Al-Awami
2015 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing …, 2015
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Articles 1–20