Institutionalized organizations: Formal structure as myth and ceremony JW Meyer, B Rowan American journal of sociology 83 (2), 340-363, 1977 | 47514 | 1977 |
World society and the nation-state JW Meyer, J Boli, GM Thomas, FO Ramirez American Journal of sociology 103 (1), 144-181, 1997 | 7268 | 1997 |
Organizational environments: Ritual and rationality JW Meyer, WR Scott (No Title), 1992 | 4123 | 1992 |
Institutional conditions for diffusion D Strang, JW Meyer Theory and society, 487-511, 1993 | 3372 | 1993 |
The worldwide expansion of higher education in the twentieth century E Schofer, JW Meyer American sociological review 70 (6), 898-920, 2005 | 2625 | 2005 |
The structure of educational organizations JW Meyer, B Rowan, MW Meyer Schools and society: A sociological approach to education, 217-225, 1978 | 2504 | 1978 |
The effects of education as an institution JW Meyer American journal of Sociology 83 (1), 55-77, 1977 | 2395 | 1977 |
Institutional environments and organizations: Structural complexity and individualism WR Scott, JW Meyer Sage, 1994 | 2170 | 1994 |
The “actors” of modern society: The cultural construction of social agency JW Meyer, RL Jepperson Sociological theory 18 (1), 100-120, 2000 | 1881 | 2000 |
World expansion of mass education, 1870-1980 JW Meyer, FO Ramirez, YN Soysal Sociology of education, 128-149, 1992 | 1767 | 1992 |
Ontology and rationalization in the Western cultural account JW Meyer Institutional structure: Constituting state, society, and the individual/Sage, 1987 | 1522 | 1987 |
World society, institutional theories, and the actor JW Meyer Annual review of sociology 36 (1), 1-20, 2010 | 1229 | 2010 |
Science in the Modern World Polity: Institutionalization and Globalization GS Drori Stanford University Press, 2003 | 1125 | 2003 |
The world polity and the authority of the nation-state JW Meyer Studies of the modern world-system, 109-137, 1980 | 1083 | 1980 |
Centralization and the legitimacy problems of local government JW Meyer Organizational environments: Ritual and rationality, 1983 | 1069 | 1983 |
Institutional and Technical Sources of Organizational Structure Explaining the Structure of Educational Organizations. JW Meyer Publications, Institute for Research on Educational Finance and Governance …, 1980 | 1031 | 1980 |
Equal opportunity law and the construction of internal labor markets F Dobbin, JR Sutton, JW Meyer, R Scott American journal of Sociology 99 (2), 396-427, 1993 | 980 | 1993 |
Institutional structure: Constituting state, society, and the individual GM Thomas (No Title), 1987 | 975 | 1987 |
Explaining the origins and expansion of mass education J Boli, FO Ramirez, JW Meyer Comparative education review 29 (2), 145-170, 1985 | 969 | 1985 |
Weltkultur: Wie die westlichen Prinzipien die Welt durchdringen JW Meyer, G Krücken, B Kuchler (No Title), 2005 | 880 | 2005 |