Ciril Bohak
Ciril Bohak
Assist. prof. at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science
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Cited by
V-RBNN based small drone detection in augmented datasets for 3D LADAR system
BH Kim, D Khan, C Bohak, W Choi, HJ Lee, MY Kim
Sensors 18 (11), 3825, 2018
Automatic segmentation of mitochondria and endolysosomes in volumetric electron microscopy data
MŽ Mekuč, C Bohak, S Hudoklin, BH Kim, MY Kim, M Marolt
Computers in biology and medicine 119, 103693, 2020
Collaborative view-aligned annotations in web-based 3D medical data visualization
P Lavrič, C Bohak, M Marolt
2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2017
Real-time interactive platform-agnostic volumetric path tracing in webGL 2.0
Ž Lesar, C Bohak, M Marolt
Proceedings of the 23rd International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology, 1-7, 2018
Calculating Similarity of Folk Song Variants with Melody-based Features.
C Bohak, M Marolt
ISMIR, 597-602, 2009
Nanotilus: Generator of immersive guided-tours in crowded 3d environments
R Alharbi, O Strnad, LR Luidolt, M Waldner, D Kouřil, C Bohak, T Klein, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (3), 1860-1875, 2021
Cross fusion-based low dynamic and saturated image enhancement for infrared search and tracking systems
BH Kim, C Bohak, KH Kwon, MY Kim
IEEE Access 8, 15347-15359, 2020
Automatic segmentation of ethnomusicological field recordings
M Marolt, C Bohak, A Kavčič, M Pesek
Applied Sciences 9 (3), 439, 2019
Automatic segmentation and reconstruction of intracellular compartments in volumetric electron microscopy data
MŽ Mekuč, C Bohak, E Boneš, S Hudoklin, M Marolt
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 223, 106959, 2022
Ladar data generation fused with virtual targets and visualization for small drone detection system
BH Kim, D Khan, C Bohak, JK Kim, W Choi, HJ Lee, MY Kim
Technologies for Optical Countermeasures XV 10797, 112-121, 2018
A web-based virtual reality environment for medical visualization
Ž Kokelj, C Bohak, M Marolt
2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2018
Finding nano-Ötzi: cryo-electron tomography visualization guided by learned segmentation
N Nguyen, C Bohak, D Engel, P Mindek, O Strnad, P Wonka, S Li, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (10), 4198-4214, 2022
Aerial LiDAR data augmentation for direct point-cloud visualisation
C Bohak, M Slemenik, J Kordež, M Marolt
Sensors 20 (7), 2089, 2020
Drone segmentation and tracking in grounded sensor scanned LiDAR datasets
K Mirceta, C Bohak, BH Kim, MY Kim, M Marolt
Proceedings of the Zbornik sedemindvajsete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in …, 2018
Building an intelligent tutoring system for chess endgames
M Guid, M Možina, C Bohak, A Sadikov, I Bratko
International Conference on Computer Supported Education 2, 263-266, 2013
A usability comparison of input devices for precise and intuitive interaction with 3D visualizations
C Bohak, J Guna, P Škrlj, A Isaković, M Marolt
Uporabna informatika 26 (3), 2018
Kinect web kiosk framework
C Bohak, M Marolt
International Conference on Human Factors in Computing and Informatics, 785-790, 2013
Neck veins: an interactive 3D visualization of head veins
C Bohak, S Zagar, A Sodja, P Škrlj, U Mitrovic, F Pernuš, M Marolt
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference World Usability Day Slovenia …, 2013
Finding Repeating Stanzas in Folk Songs.
C Bohak, M Marolt
ISMIR, 451-456, 2012
Fast segmentation, conversion and rendering of volumetric data using gpu
C Bohak, A Sodja, M Marolt, U Mitrović, F Pernuš
IWSSIP 2014 Proceedings, 239-242, 2014
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Articles 1–20