Tony Cavoli
Tony Cavoli
Associate Professor, University of South Australia
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Foreign aid, institutional quality and economic growth: Evidence from the developing world
AA Maruta, R Banerjee, T Cavoli
Economic Modelling 89, 444-463, 2020
Capital inflows problem in selected Asian economies in the 1990s revisited: the role of monetary sterilization
T Cavoli, RS Rajan
Asian Economic Journal 20 (4), 409-423, 2006
The determinants of inflation in Vietnam, 2001-09
HM Nguyen, T Cavoli, JK Wilson
ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 1-14, 2012
Exchange rate regimes and macroeconomic management in Asia
T Cavoli, RS Rajan
Hong Kong University Press, 2009
Determinants of income diversification: evidence from Chinese banks
X Meng, T Cavoli, X Deng
Applied Economics 50 (17), 1934-1951, 2018
Monetary policy rules for small and open developing economies: A counterfactual policy analysis
T Cavoli, RS Rajan
Journal of Economic Development, 31:1, 89-111, 2006
Is fear of floating justified?: The East Asia experience
T Cavoli
Journal of Policy Modeling 31 (1), 1-16, 2009
Financial integration in East Asia: How far? How much further to go?
T Cavoli, R Rajan, R Siregar
Centre for International Economic Studies, University of Adelaide, 2004
The exchange rate and optimal monetary policy rules in open and developing economies: Some simple analytics
T Cavoli
Economic Modelling 25 (5), 1011-1021, 2008
Have exchange rate regimes in asia become more flexible post crisis
T Cavoli, RS Rajan
China and Asia: Economic and Financial Interactions: Routledge, 2008
A survey of financial integration in East Asia: trends, issues and implications
T Cavoli, RS Rajan, R Siregar
Report prepared for the Asian Development Bank, 2003
Does financial inclusion amplify output volatility in emerging and developing economies?
T Cavoli, S Gopalan, RS Rajan
Open Economies Review 31 (4), 901-930, 2020
Open economy inflation targeting arrangements and monetary policy rules: Application to India
T Cavoli, RS Rajan
Indian Growth and Development Review 1 (2), 237-251, 2008
Exchange Rate Arrangements for East Asia Post-Crisis: Examining the Case for Open Economy Inflation Targeting
T Cavoli, R Rajan
Centre for International Economic Studies, 2003
Managing in the middle: Characterizing Singapore's exchange rate policy
T Cavoli, RS Rajan
Asian Economic Journal 21 (3), 321-342, 2007
Inflation targeting arrangements in Asia: exploring the role of the exchange rate
T Cavoli, RS Rajan
SCAPE Policy Research Working Paper Series, National University of Singapore …, 2006
Corruption, central bank (in) dependence and optimal monetary policy in a simple model
T Cavoli, JK Wilson
Journal of Policy Modeling 37 (3), 501-509, 2015
The Extent of Exchange Rate Flexibility in India: Basket Pegger or Closet US Sollar Pegger?
T Cavoli, RS Rajan
India Macroeconomics Annual, 2007, 125-40, 2007
The impact of trade and investment agreements on Australia's inward FDI flows
S Crotti, T Cavoli, JK Wilson
Australian Economic Papers 49 (4), 259-275, 2010
A Note on Exchange Rate Regimes in Asia: Are they really what they claim to be?
T Cavoli, R Rajan
Economics Bulletin, 2010
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Articles 1–20