Amy E. Wright
Amy E. Wright
Research Professor, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Instuitute, Florida Atlantic University
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Antitumor tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from the colonial ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata
AE Wright, DA Forleo, GP Gunawardana, SP Gunasekera, FE Koehn, ...
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 55 (15), 4508-4512, 1990
The putative role of extra-synaptic mesolimbic dopamine in the neurobiology of nicotine dependence
DJK Balfour, AE Wright, MEM Benwell, CE Birrell
Behavioural brain research 113 (1-2), 73-83, 2000
Neopeltolide, a macrolide from a lithistid sponge of the family Neopeltidae
AE Wright, JC Botelho, E Guzmán, D Harmody, P Linley, PJ McCarthy, ...
Journal of natural products 70 (3), 412-416, 2007
Tubulin polymerizing activity of dictyostatin-1, a polyketide of marine sponge origin
RA Isbrucker, J Cummins, SA Pomponi, RE Longley, AE Wright
Biochemical pharmacology 66 (1), 75-82, 2003
Dragmacidin, a new cytotoxic bis (indole) alkaloid from a deep water marine sponge, Dragmacidon sp
S Kohmoto, Y Kashman, OJ McConnell, KL Rinehart Jr, A Wright, F Koehn
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 53 (13), 3116-3118, 1988
A new bis-(indole) alkaloid from a deep-water marine sponge of the genus Spongosorites
AE Wright, SA Pomponi, SS Cross, P McCarthy
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 57 (17), 4772-4775, 1992
(+)-Curcuphenol and (+)-curcudiol, sesquiterpene phenols from shallow and deep water collections of the marine sponge Didiscus flavus
AE Wright, SA Pomponi, OJ McConnell, S Kohmoto, PJ McCarthy
Journal of Natural Products 50 (5), 976-978, 1987
Predicting recovery in acute poststroke aphasia
AE Hillis, YY Beh, R Sebastian, B Breining, DC Tippett, A Wright, ...
Annals of neurology 83 (3), 612-622, 2018
Leiodermatolide, a Potent Antimitotic Macrolide from the Marine Sponge Leiodermatium sp.
I Paterson, SM Dalby, JC Roberts, GJ Naylor, EA Guzmán, R Isbrucker, ...
Angewandte Chemie 123 (14), 3277-3281, 2011
Metabolites from the Marine-Derived Fungus Chromocleista sp. Isolated from a Deep-Water Sediment Sample Collected in the Gulf of Mexico
YC Park, SP Gunasekera, JV Lopez, PJ McCarthy, AE Wright
Journal of natural products 69 (4), 580-584, 2006
Filteryedping: Design challenges and user performance of dwell-free eye typing
D Pedrosa, MDG Pimentel, A Wright, KN Truong
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) 6 (1), 1-37, 2015
Inhibition of larval settlement by natural products from the ascidian,Eudistoma olivaceum (Van Name)
AR DaVis, AE Wright
Journal of chemical ecology 16, 1349-1357, 1990
Discorhabdin P, a New Enzyme Inhibitor from a Deep-Water Caribbean Sponge of the Genus Batzella
SP Gunasekera, PJ McCarthy, RE Longley, SA Pomponi, AE Wright, ...
Journal of natural products 62 (1), 173-175, 1999
Interspecific differences in fouling of two congeneric ascidians (Eudistoma olivaceum and E. capsulatum): is surface acidity an effective defense?
AR Davis, AE Wright
Marine Biology 102, 491-497, 1989
Discorhabdins S, T, and U, New Cytotoxic Pyrroloiminoquinones from a Deep-Water Caribbean Sponge of the Genus Batzella
SP Gunasekera, IA Zuleta, RE Longley, AE Wright, SA Pomponi
Journal of Natural Products 66 (12), 1615-1617, 2003
Isolation of marine natural products
AE Wright
Natural Products Isolation, 365-408, 1998
Cytotoxic cembranoids from the gorgonian Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata
AE Wright, NS Burres, GK Schulte
Tetrahedron Letters 30 (27), 3491-3494, 1989
Infodemic signal detection during the COVID-19 pandemic: development of a methodology for identifying potential information voids in online conversations
TD Purnat, P Vacca, C Czerniak, S Ball, S Burzo, T Zecchin, A Wright, ...
JMIR infodemiology 1 (1), e30971, 2021
The marine natural product manzamine A targets vacuolar ATPases and inhibits autophagy in pancreatic cancer cells
G Kallifatidis, D Hoepfner, T Jaeg, EA Guzmán, AE Wright
Marine drugs 11 (9), 3500-3516, 2013
Stealing cookies in the twenty-first century: Measures of spoken narrative in healthy versus speakers with aphasia
S Berube, J Nonnemacher, C Demsky, S Glenn, S Saxena, A Wright, ...
American journal of speech-language pathology 28 (1S), 321-329, 2019
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Articles 1–20