Jakob D. Jensen
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Cited by
The health belief model as an explanatory framework in communication research: exploring parallel, serial, and moderated mediation
CL Jones, JD Jensen, CL Scherr, NR Brown, K Christy, J Weaver
Health communication 30 (6), 566-576, 2015
The relative persuasiveness of gain-framed loss-framed messages for encouraging disease prevention behaviors: A meta-analytic review
DJ O'Keefe, JD Jensen
Journal of health communication 12 (7), 623-644, 2007
The advantages of compliance or the disadvantages of noncompliance? A meta-analytic review of the relative persuasive effectiveness of gain-framed and loss-framed messages
DJ O’Keefe, JD Jensen
Annals of the International Communication Association 30 (1), 1-43, 2006
Scientific uncertainty in news coverage of cancer research: Effects of hedging on scientists’ and journalists’ credibility
JD Jensen
Human communication research 34 (3), 347-369, 2008
Do loss-framed persuasive messages engender greater message processing than do gain-framed messages? A meta-analytic review
DJ O'Keefe, JD Jensen
Communication Studies 59 (1), 51-67, 2008
Utilization of internet technology by low-income adults: the role of health literacy, health numeracy, and computer assistance
JD Jensen, AJ King, LSA Davis, LM Guntzviller
Journal of aging and health 22 (6), 804-826, 2010
Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia of malaria.
JG Kelton, J Keystone, J Moore, G Denomme, E Tozman, M Glynn, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 71 (4), 832-836, 1983
Self-efficacy, health literacy, and nutrition and exercise behaviors in a low-income, Hispanic population
LM Guntzviller, AJ King, JD Jensen, LSA Davis
Journal of immigrant and minority health 19, 489-493, 2017
Why are tailored messages more effective? A multiple mediation analysis of a breast cancer screening intervention
JD Jensen, AJ King, N Carcioppolo, LS Davis
Journal of Communication 62 (5), 851-868, 2012
Third‐person effects and the environment: Social distance, social desirability, and presumed behavior
JD Jensen, RJ Hurley
Journal of Communication 55 (2), 242-256, 2005
The cancer information overload (CIO) scale: Establishing predictive and discriminant validity
JD Jensen, N Carcioppolo, AJ King, CL Scherr, CL Jones, J Niederdeppe
Patient education and counseling 94 (1), 90-96, 2014
Effects of newspaper coverage on public knowledge about modifiable cancer risks
JE Stryker, CM Moriarty, JD Jensen
Health communication 23 (4), 380-390, 2008
Making sense of cancer news coverage trends: A comparison of three comprehensive content analyses
JD Jensen, CM Moriarty, RJ Hurley, JE Stryker
Journal of health communication 15 (2), 136-151, 2010
Conflicting stories about public scientific controversies: Effects of news convergence and divergence on scientists’ credibility
JD Jensen, RJ Hurley
Public Understanding of Science 21 (6), 689-704, 2012
Including limitations in news coverage of cancer research: Effects of news hedging on fatalism, medical skepticism, patient trust, and backlash
JD Jensen, N Carcioppolo, AJ King, JK Bernat, LS Davis, R Yale, J Smith
Journal of health communication 16 (5), 486-503, 2011
Viewer ethnicity matters: Black crime in TV News and its impact on decisions regarding public policy
RJ Hurley, J Jensen, A Weaver, T Dixon
Journal of Social Issues 71 (1), 155-170, 2015
Patient–provider communication and low-income adults: Age, race, literacy, and optimism predict communication satisfaction
JD Jensen, AJ King, LM Guntzviller, LSA Davis
Patient Education and Counseling 79 (1), 30-35, 2010
Comparing tailored and narrative worksite interventions at increasing colonoscopy adherence in adults 50–75: A randomized controlled trial
JD Jensen, AJ King, N Carcioppolo, M Krakow, NJ Samadder, S Morgan
Social science & medicine 104, 31-40, 2014
Examining first-and second-order factor structures for news credibility
RN Yale, JD Jensen, N Carcioppolo, Y Sun, M Liu
Communication Methods and Measures 9 (3), 152-169, 2015
Correlates of cancer information overload: focusing on individual ability and motivation
J Chae, C Lee, JD Jensen
Health communication 31 (5), 626-634, 2016
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Articles 1–20