Tapasya Patki
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Cited by
Exploring hardware overprovisioning in power-constrained, high performance computing
T Patki, DK Lowenthal, B Rountree, M Schulz, BR de Supinski
Proceedings of the 27th international ACM conference on International …, 2013
Analyzing and mitigating the impact of manufacturing variability in power-constrained supercomputing
Y Inadomi, T Patki, K Inoue, M Aoyagi, B Rountree, M Schulz, ...
High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2015 SC …, 2015
Practical Resource Management in Power-Constrained, High Performance Computing
T Patki, DK Lowenthal, A Sasidharan, M Maiterth, B Rountree, M Schulz, ...
High Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2015, 2015
Flux: Overcoming Scheduling Challenges for Exascale Workflows
DH Ahn, N Bass, A Chu, S Herbein, J Garlick, M Grondona, J Koning, ...
Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS'18), Supercomputing …, 2018
Electrical Grid and Supercomputing Centers: An Investigative Analysis of Emerging Opportunities and Challenges
N Bates, G Ghatikar, G Abdulla, GA Koenig, S Bhalachandra, ...
Informatik-Spektrum 38 (2), 111-127, 2014
Production Hardware Overprovisioning: Real-World Performance Optimization Using an Extensible Power-Aware Resource Management Framework
R Sakamoto, T Cao, M Kondo, K Inoue, M Ueda, T Patki, D Ellsworth, ...
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2017 IEEE …, 2017
Supercomputing centers and electricity service providers: A geographically distributed perspective on demand management in europe and the united states
T Patki, N Bates, G Ghatikar, A Clausen, S Klingert, G Abdulla, ...
High Performance Computing: 31st International Conference, ISC High …, 2016
Comparing GPU Power and Frequency Capping: A Case Study with the MuMMI Workflow
T Patki, Z Frye, H Bhatia, F Di Natale, J Glosli, H Ingolfsson, B Rountree
2019 IEEE/ACM Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), 31-39, 2019
Performance optimality or reproducibility: that is the question
T Patki, JJ Thiagarajan, A Ayala, TZ Islam
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2019
Systemwide Power Management with Argo
D Ellsworth, T Patki, S Perarnau, S Seo, A Amer, J Zounmevo, R Gupta, ...
High Performance, Power-Aware Computing (HPPAC), IPDPSW, 2016
Innovative technological paradigms for corporate offshoring
T Patki, AB Patki
Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2008
A Unified Platform for Exploring Power Management Strategies
D Ellsworth, T Patki, M Schulz, B Rountree, AD Malony
Energy Efficient Supercomputing, 2016
Ned Bass, Albert Chu, Jim Garlick, Mark Grondona, Stephen Herbein, Helgi I. Ingólfsson, Joseph Koning, Tapasya Patki, Thomas RW Scogland, et al. 2020. Flux: Overcoming …
DH Ahn
Future Gen. Comput. Syst 110, 2020
One Step Closer to Converged Computing: Achieving Scalability with Cloud-Native HPC
DJ Milroy, C Misale, G Georgakoudis, T Elengikal, A Sarkar, M Drocco, ...
2022 IEEE/ACM 4th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration …, 2022
A Strawman for an HPC PowerStack
C Cantalupo, J Eastep, S Jana, M Kondo, M Maiterth, A Marathe, T Patki, ...
Intel Corporation (United States); Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL …, 2018
Analyzing Resource Trade-offs in Hardware-overprovisioned Supercomputers
R Sakamoto, T Patki, T Cao, M Kondo, K Inoue, M Ueda, D Ellsworth, ...
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2018), 2018
Economic Viability of Hardware Overprovisioning in Power-Constrained High Performance Computing
T Patki, DK Lowenthal, BL Rountree, M Schulz, BR de Supinski
Energy Efficient Supercomputing, 2016
Using integrative modeling for advanced heterogeneous system simulation
T Patki, H Al-Helal, J Gulotta, J Hansen, J Sprinkle
OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 2008
Monitoring Large Scale Supercomputers: A Case Study with the Lassen Supercomputer
T Patki, A Bertsch, I Karlin, DH Ahn, B Van Essen, B Rountree, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 468-480, 2021
DashO java obfuscator review
T Patki
University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science, Tech. Rep, 2008
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Articles 1–20