Kelly A. Smith
Kelly A. Smith
Department of Anatomy & Physiology, The University of Melbourne
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Rotation and asymmetric development of the zebrafish heart requires directed migration of cardiac progenitor cells
KA Smith, S Chocron, S von der Hardt, E de Pater, A Soufan, J Bussmann, ...
Developmental cell 14 (2), 287-297, 2008
A Nodal-independent and tissue-intrinsic mechanism controls heart-looping chirality
ES Noël, M Verhoeven, AK Lagendijk, F Tessadori, K Smith, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2754, 2013
Dominant-negative ALK2 allele associates with congenital heart defects
KA Smith, IC Joziasse, S Chocron, M Van Dinther, V Guryev, ...
Circulation 119 (24), 3062-3069, 2009
Bmp signaling exerts opposite effects on cardiac differentiation
E de Pater, M Ciampricotti, F Priller, J Veerkamp, I Strate, K Smith, ...
Circulation research 110 (4), 578-587, 2012
Pkd1 regulates lymphatic vascular morphogenesis during development
B Coxam, A Sabine, NI Bower, KA Smith, C Pichol-Thievend, R Skoczylas, ...
Cell reports 7 (3), 623-633, 2014
Live imaging molecular changes in junctional tension upon VE-cadherin in zebrafish
AK Lagendijk, GA Gomez, S Baek, D Hesselson, WE Hughes, S Paterson, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1402, 2017
VEGFD regulates blood vascular development by modulating SOX18 activity
T Duong, K Koltowska, C Pichol-Thievend, L Le Guen, F Fontaine, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 123 (7), 1102-1112, 2014
Tmem2 regulates embryonic Vegf signaling by controlling hyaluronic acid turnover
JE De Angelis, AK Lagendijk, H Chen, A Tromp, NI Bower, KA Tunny, ...
Developmental cell 40 (2), 123-136, 2017
Genes in congenital heart disease: atrioventricular valve formation
IC Joziasse, JJ van de Smagt, K Smith, J Bakkers, GJ Sieswerda, ...
Basic Research in Cardiology 103, 216-227, 2008
Bmp and nodal independently regulate lefty1 expression to maintain unilateral nodal activity during left-right axis specification in zebrafish
KA Smith, E Noël, I Thurlings, H Rehmann, S Chocron, J Bakkers
PLoS genetics 7 (9), e1002289, 2011
mafba is a downstream transcriptional effector of Vegfc signaling essential for embryonic lymphangiogenesis in zebrafish
K Koltowska, S Paterson, NI Bower, GJ Baillie, AK Lagendijk, JW Astin, ...
Genes & Development 29 (15), 1618-1630, 2015
Transmembrane protein 2 (Tmem2) is required to regionally restrict atrioventricular canal boundary and endocardial cushion development
KA Smith, AK Lagendijk, AD Courtney, H Chen, S Paterson, BM Hogan, ...
Development 138 (19), 4193-4198, 2011
Nppa and Nppb act redundantly during zebrafish cardiac development to confine AVC marker expression and reduce cardiac jelly volume
DR Grassini, AK Lagendijk, JE De Angelis, J Da Silva, A Jeanes, N Zettler, ...
Development 145 (12), dev160739, 2018
ALK2 mutation in a patient with Down's syndrome and a congenital heart defect
IC Joziasse, KA Smith, S Chocron, M Van Dinther, V Guryev, ...
European journal of human genetics 19 (4), 389-393, 2011
The developmental origins and lineage contributions of endocardial endothelium
A Nakano, H Nakano, KA Smith, NJ Palpant
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1863 (7), 1937-1947, 2016
The alternative splicing regulator Nova2 constrains vascular Erk signaling to limit specification of the lymphatic lineage
S Baek, TG Oh, G Secker, DL Sutton, KS Okuda, S Paterson, NI Bower, ...
Developmental cell 49 (2), 279-292. e5, 2019
Arap3 is dysregulated in a mouse model of hypotrichosis–lymphedema–telangiectasia and regulates lymphatic vascular development
J Kartopawiro, NI Bower, T Karnezis, J Kazenwadel, KL Betterman, ...
Human Molecular Genetics 23 (5), 1286-1297, 2014
The RNA helicase Ddx21 controls Vegfc-driven developmental lymphangiogenesis by balancing endothelial cell ribosome biogenesis and p53 function
K Koltowska, KS Okuda, M Gloger, M Rondon-Galeano, E Mason, J Xuan, ...
Nature Cell Biology 23 (11), 1136-1147, 2021
Production, secretion, and biological activity of the C-terminal flanking peptide of human progastrin
KA Smith, O Patel, S Lachal, I Jennings, B Kemp, J Burgess, GS Baldwin, ...
Gastroenterology 131 (5), 1463-1474, 2006
Cavin4 interacts with Bin1 to promote T-tubule formation and stability in developing skeletal muscle
HP Lo, YW Lim, Z Xiong, N Martel, C Ferguson, N Ariotti, J Giacomotto, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 220 (12), e201905065, 2021
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Articles 1–20