Deanne Meyer
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Cited by
Prediction of manure and nutrient excretion from dairy cattle
TD Nennich, JH Harrison, LM Vanwieringen, D Meyer, AJ Heinrichs, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 88 (10), 3721-3733, 2005
Transforming US agriculture
JP Reganold, D Jackson-Smith, SS Batie, RR Harwood, JL Kornegay, ...
Science 332 (6030), 670-671, 2011
Effects of dietary nitrogen manipulation on ammonia volatilization from manure from Holstein heifers
T James, D Meyer, E Esparza, EJ Depeters, H Perez-Monti
Journal of Dairy Science 82 (11), 2430-2439, 1999
Animal diet modification to decrease the potential for nitrogen and phosphorus pollution
TJ Klopfenstein, R Angel, G Cromwell, GE Erickson, DG Fox, C Parsons, ...
Faculty Papers and Publications in Animal Science, 518, 2002
Fecal microbial communities in a large representative cohort of California dairy cows
JV Hagey, S Bhatnagar, JM Heguy, BM Karle, PL Price, D Meyer, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 1093, 2019
A survey of dairy manure management practices in California
DM Meyer, I Garnett, JC Guthrie
Journal of Dairy Science 80 (8), 1841-1845, 1997
Particle size and nutrient distribution in fresh dairy manure
D Meyer, PL Ristow, M Lie
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23 (1), 113-118, 2007
Survey of dairy housing and manure management practices in California
D Meyer, PL Price, HA Rossow, N Silva-del-Rio, BM Karle, PH Robinson, ...
Journal of dairy science 94 (9), 4744-4750, 2011
Effectiveness of vegetative filter strips in attenuating nutrient and sediment runoff from irrigated pastures
V Hay, W Pittroff, EE Tooman, D Meyer
The Journal of Agricultural Science 144 (4), 349-360, 2006
Ammonia flux from open-lot dairies: development of measurement methodology and emission factors
T Cassel, L Ashbaugh, D Meyer, R Flocchini
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 55 (6), 816-825, 2005
Particulate matter emissions from animal feeding operations
B Auvermann, R Bottcher, A Heber, D Meyer, CB Parnell, B Shaw, ...
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2006
Ammonia emission factors for open-lot dairies: Direct measurements and estimation by nitrogen intake
T Cassel, L Ashbaugh, R Flocchini, D Meyer
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 55 (6), 826-833, 2005
‘Shrink’losses in commercially sized corn silage piles: Quantifying total losses and where they occur
PH Robinson, N Swanepoel, JM Heguy, T Price, DM Meyer
Science of the Total Environment 542, 530-539, 2016
Manipulation of animal diets to affect manure production, composition and odors: State of the science
A Sutton, T Applegate, S Hankins, B Hill, D Sholly, G Allee, W Greene, ...
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2006
Livestock nutrient management concerns: regulatory and legislative overview
D Meyer, DD Mullinax
Journal of Animal Science 77 (suppl_2), 51-62, 1999
Total mixed ration (TMR) sampling protocol
PH Robinson, D Meyer
UCANR Publications, 2010
Development of standard methods to estimate manure production and nutrient characteristics from dairy cattle
T Nennich, JH Harrison, D Meyer, WP Weiss, AJ Heinrichs, RL Kincaid, ...
Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes-IX, 1, 2003
Managing dairy manure in the central valley of California
A Chang, T Harter, J Letey, D Meyer, RD Meyer, MC Mathews, ...
University of California: Division of Agricultural and Natural Resources …, 2005
Quantifying the uncertainty in nitrogen application and groundwater nitrate leaching in manure based cropping systems
CMF Miller, H Waterhouse, T Harter, JG Fadel, D Meyer
Agricultural Systems 184, 102877, 2020
Water use and winter liquid storage needs at central valley dairy farms in California
D Meyer, B Reed, C Batchelder, I Zallo, PL Ristow, G Higginbotham, ...
Applied engineering in agriculture 22 (1), 121-126, 2006
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Articles 1–20