Nicole Votolato Montgomery
Nicole Votolato Montgomery
Associate Professor of Marketing, McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia
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Cited by
Spillover of negative information on brand alliances
NL Votola, HR Unnava
Journal of Consumer Psychology 16 (2), 196-202, 2006
The effect of brand commitment on the evaluation of nonpreferred brands: A disconfirmation process
S Raju, HR Unnava, NV Montgomery
Journal of Consumer Research 35 (5), 851-863, 2009
I imagine, I experience, I like: The false experience effect
P Rajagopal, NV Montgomery
Journal of Consumer Research 38 (3), 578-594, 2011
The moderating effect of brand commitment on the evaluation of competitive brands
S Raju, HR Unnava, NV Montgomery
Journal of advertising 38 (2), 21-36, 2009
The social context of temporal sequences: Why first impressions shape shared experiences
R Bhargave, NV Montgomery
Journal of Consumer Research 40 (3), 501-517, 2013
Temporal sequence effects: A memory framework
NV Montgomery, HR Unnava
Journal of Consumer Research 36 (1), 83-92, 2009
When good consumers turn bad: Psychological contract breach in committed brand relationships
NV Montgomery, S Raju, KK Desai, HR Unnava
Journal of Consumer Psychology 28 (3), 437-449, 2018
To be or not to be sorry? How CEO gender impacts the effectiveness of organizational apologies.
AP Cowen, NV Montgomery
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (2), 196, 2020
How leader gender influences external audience response to organizational failures.
NV Montgomery, AP Cowen
Journal of personality and social psychology 118 (4), 639, 2020
Collective satiation: How coexperience accelerates a decline in hedonic judgments.
RP Bhargave, NV Montgomery, JP Redden
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 114 (4), 529, 2018
Choosing sides: CEO gender and investor support for activist campaigns.
AP Cowen, NV Montgomery, C Shropshire
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (10), 1743, 2022
The role of consumer memory in advertising
NV Montgomery, HR Unnava
The SAGE handbook of advertising. Sage Publication, Thousand Oaks, 105-119, 2007
Motivated reconstruction: The effect of brand commitment on false memories.
NV Montgomery, P Rajagopal
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 24 (2), 159, 2018
My recency, our primacy: How social connection influences evaluations of sequences
RP Bhargave, NV Montgomery
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 28 (4), 382-394, 2015
I imagine, I experience
P Rajagopal, NV Montgomery
I like: the false experience, 2011
Temporal distance to retirement and communication framing: Enhancing retirement financial decision making
NV Montgomery, LR Szykman, JR Agnew
SSRN, 2013
How can employers encourage young workers to save for retirement?
NV Montgomery, LR Szykman, JR Agnew
Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, March, 2012
White-labels, brands, and trust: how mutual fund labels affect retirement portfolios
J Agnew, A Hung, NV Montgomery, S Thorp
TIAA Research Dialogue TIAA Institute 155, 2019
Remembering Better or Remembering Worse: Age Effects on False Memory
P Rajagopal, N Montgomery
ACR North American Advances, 2012
Saving for tomorrow today: How message framing can improve retirement saving rates for younger workers
N Montgomery, L Szykman, J Agnew
Italy: CONSOB, 2017
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Articles 1–20