Nick Feltovich
Nick Feltovich
Professor of Economics, Monash University
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Too cool for school? Signalling and countersignalling
N Feltovich, R Harbaugh, T To
RAND Journal of Economics, 630-649, 2002
Do actions speak louder than words? An experimental comparison of observation and cheap talk
J Duffy, N Feltovich
Games and Economic Behavior 39 (1), 1-27, 2002
Reinforcement‐based vs. belief‐based learning models in experimental asymmetric‐information games
N Feltovich
Econometrica 68 (3), 605-641, 2000
Nonparametric tests of differences in medians: comparison of the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney and robust rank-order tests
N Feltovich
Experimental Economics 6, 273-297, 2003
Does observation of others affect learning in strategic environments? An experimental study
J Duffy, N Feltovich
international Journal of Game theory 28, 131-152, 1999
Whatever you say, your reputation precedes you: Observation and cheap talk in the trust game
J Bracht, N Feltovich
Journal of public economics 93 (9-10), 1036-1044, 2009
Words, deeds, and lies: strategic behaviour in games with multiple signals
J Duffy, N Feltovich
The Review of Economic Studies 73 (3), 669-688, 2006
Correlated equilibria, good and bad: an experimental study
J Duffy, N Feltovich
International Economic Review 51 (3), 701-721, 2010
How sensitive are bargaining outcomes to changes in disagreement payoffs?
N Anbarci, N Feltovich
Experimental economics 16, 560-596, 2013
Critical values for the robust rank-order test
N Feltovich
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 34 (3), 525-547, 2005
Relative versus absolute speed of adjustment in strategic environments: responder behavior in ultimatum games
DJ Cooper, N Feltovich, AE Roth, R Zwick
Experimental Economics 6, 181-207, 2003
Do actions speak louder than words? Observation vs. cheap talk as coordination devices
J Duffy, N Feltovich
Games and Economic behavior 39 (1), 1-27, 2002
Experimental Evidence of a Sunk‐Cost Paradox: A Study of Pricing Behavior in Bertrand–Edgeworth Duopoly
S Buchheit, N Feltovich
International Economic Review 52 (2), 317-347, 2011
Efficiency in the trust game: an experimental study of precommitment
J Bracht, N Feltovich
International Journal of Game Theory 37, 39-72, 2008
A quantum metric of organizational performance: Terrorism and counterterrorism
WF Lawless, M Bergman, J Louçã, NN Kriegel, N Feltovich
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 13, 241-281, 2007
Thinking like a game theorist: Comment
NT Wilcox, N Feltovich
University of Houston Department of Economics working paper, 2000
Do positional goods inhibit saving? Evidence from a life-cycle experiment
N Feltovich, OZ Ejebu
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 107, 440-454, 2014
The role of strategic uncertainty in games: An experimental study of cheap talk and contracts in the nash demand game
N Feltovich, J Swierzbinski
European Economic Review 55 (4), 554-574, 2011
Consensus seeking versus truth seeking
WF Lawless, M Bergman, N Feltovich
Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management 9 …, 2005
Selection vs. accountability: An experimental investigation of campaign promises in a moral-hazard environment
N Feltovich, F Giovannoni
Journal of Public Economics 126, 39-51, 2015
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Articles 1–20