Upama Koju
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Cited by
Review of flood disaster studies in Nepal: A remote sensing perspective
TPP Sharma, J Zhang, UA Koju, S Zhang, Y Bai, MK Suwal
International journal of disaster risk reduction 34, 18-27, 2019
Using precipitation, vertical root distribution, and satellite‐retrieved vegetation information to parameterize water stress in a P enman‐M onteith approach to …
Y Bai, J Zhang, S Zhang, UA Koju, F Yao, T Igbawua
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 9 (1), 168-192, 2017
Evaluation and improvement of the daily boreal ecosystem productivity simulator in simulating gross primary productivity at 41 flux sites across Europe
S Zhang, J Zhang, Y Bai, UA Koju, T Igbawua, Q Chang, D Zhang, F Yao
Ecological Modelling 368, 205-232, 2018
Monitoring of drought condition and risk in Bangladesh combined data from satellite and ground meteorological observations
FA Prodhan, J Zhang, Y Bai, TPP Sharma, UA Koju
IEEE Access 8, 93264-93282, 2020
Analysis of spatiotemporal dynamics of forest Net Primary Productivity of Nepal during 2000–2015
UA Koju, J Zhang, S Maharjan, Y Bai, S Zhang, F Yao
International Journal of Remote Sensing 41 (11), 4336-4364, 2020
Reaching over the gap: a review of trends in and status of red panda research over 193 years (1827–2020)
S Karki, T Maraseni, B Mackey, D Bista, ST Lama, AP Gautam, AP Sherpa, ...
Science of the total environment 781, 146659, 2021
Forest governance in Nepal concerning sustainable community forest management and red panda conservation
T Cadman, T Maraseni, UA Koju, A Shrestha, S Karki
Land 12 (2), 493, 2023
Analyzing NPP response of different rangeland types to climatic parameters over Mongolia
L Nanzad, J Zhang, G Batdelger, TP Pangali Sharma, UA Koju, J Wang, ...
Agronomy 11 (4), 647, 2021
A two-scale approach for estimating forest aboveground biomass with optical remote sensing images in a subtropical forest of Nepal
UA Koju, J Zhang, S Maharjan, S Zhang, Y Bai, DBIP Vijayakumar, F Yao
Journal of Forestry Research 30, 2119-2136, 2019
Exploring multi-scale forest above ground biomass estimation with optical remote sensing imageries
U Koju, J Zhang, H Gilani
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 57 (1), 012011, 2017
Local stakeholders’ priorities and perceptions towards forest ecosystem services in the Red panda habitat region of Nepal
U Koju, S Karki, A Shrestha, T Maraseni, AP Gautam, T Cadman, ...
Land Use Policy 129, 106657, 2023
Synergizing community-based forest monitoring with remote sensing: a path to an effective REDD+ MRV system
MSR Murthy, H Gilani, BS Karky, E Sharma, M Sandker, UA Koju, ...
Carbon balance and management 12, 1-14, 2017
Assessment of change in forest cover and biomass using geospatial techniques to support REDD+ activities in Nepal.
H Gilani, M Murthy, B Bajracharya, B Karky, UA Koju, G Joshi, S Karki, ...
Stakeholder perspectives on the effectiveness of governance in red panda conservation programmes in Nepal: a comparative analysis
A Shrestha, S Karki, U Koju, T Maraseni, AP Gautam, T Cadman, S Baral
Ecosystems and People 18 (1), 547-564, 2022
De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Development and Finance
T Cadman, T Sarker, U Koju
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2022
Monitoring the performance of community forestry to achieve redd+ goals through geospatial methods
H Gilani, S Krishna Gautam, MSR Murthy, UA Koju, K Uddin, B Karky
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2014
From REDD+ MRV Perspective: Comparison of Two Different Forest Management Regimes Using Geospatial Techniques in Ludi Khola Watershed, Gorkha District, Nepal
H Gilani, M Sohail, UA Koju
PFG–Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 85 …, 2017
Operational scaling up of basal area methodology in a sub-tropical forest in Nepal for REDD+ MRV.
H Gilani, UA Koju, MSR Murthy, X Aigong
Forest conversion and timber certification in the public plantation estate of NSW: Implications at the landscape and policy levels
T Cadman, K Macdonald, E Morgan, S Cadman, S Karki, M Dell, G Barber, ...
Land Use Policy 143, 107179, 2024
Forest Governance in Nepal Concerning Sustainable Community Forest Management and Red Panda Conservation. Land 2023, 12, 493. h ps
T Cadman, T Maraseni, UA Koju, A Shrestha, S Karki
doi. org/10.3390/land12020493, 2023
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Articles 1–20