Andrew Klein
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Cited by
Improving snow cover mapping in forests through the use of a canopy reflectance model
AG Klein, DK Hall, GA Riggs
Hydrological Processes 12 (10‐11), 1723-1744, 1998
Validation of daily MODIS snow cover maps of the Upper Rio Grande River Basin for the 2000–2001 snow year
AG Klein, AC Barnett
Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2), 162-176, 2003
Algorithm theoretical basis document (ATBD) for the MODIS snow and sea ice-mapping algorithms
DK Hall, GA Riggs, VV Salomonson, JS Barton, K Casey, JYL Chien, ...
Nasa Gsfc 45, 14-28, 2001
Assessment of snow-cover mapping accuracy in a variety of vegetation-cover densities in central Alaska
DK Hall, JL Foster, DL Verbyla, AG Klein, CS Benson
Remote sensing of Environment 66 (2), 129-137, 1998
Development and validation of a snow albedo algorithm for the MODIS instrument
AG Klein, J Stroeve
Annals of Glaciology 34, 45-52, 2002
Modern and last local glacial maximum snowlines in the Central Andes of Peru, Bolivia, and Northern Chile
AG Klein, GO Seltzer, BL Isacks
Quaternary Science Reviews 18 (1), 63-84, 1999
The impact of natural disasters on domestic violence: An analysis of reports of simple assault in Florida (1999–2007)
S Gearhart, M Perez-Patron, TA Hammond, DW Goldberg, A Klein, ...
Violence and gender 5 (2), 87-92, 2018
Development of a technique to assess snow-cover mapping errors from space
DK Hall, JL Foster, VV Salomonson, AG Klein, JYL Chien
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 39 (2), 432-438, 2001
A comparison of MODIS and NOHRSC snow‐cover products for simulating streamflow using the Snowmelt Runoff Model
S Lee, AG Klein, TM Over
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 19 (15), 2951-2972, 2005
Fractional snow cover mapping through artificial neural network analysis of MODIS surface reflectance
ID Dobreva, AG Klein
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (12), 3355-3366, 2011
Using the SLEUTH urban growth model to simulate the impacts of future policy scenarios on urban land use in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria CMSA
H Oguz, AG Klein, R Srinivasan
Research Journal of Social Sciences 2 (1), 72-82, 2007
Distribution and assessment of heavy metals in the aquatic environment of Lake Manzala, Egypt
AA Elkady, ST Sweet, TL Wade, AG Klein
Ecological Indicators 58, 445-457, 2015
Temporal and spatial patterns of anthropogenic disturbance at McMurdo Station, Antarctica
MC Kennicutt, A Klein, P Montagna, S Sweet, T Wade, T Palmer, ...
Environmental Research Letters 5 (3), 034010, 2010
Spectral mixture analysis of Landsat thematic mapper images applied to the detection of the transient snowline on tropical Andean glaciers
AG Klein, BL Isacks
Global and Planetary Change 22 (1-4), 139-154, 1999
Improving MODIS snow products with a HMRF-based spatio-temporal modeling technique in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
Y Huang, H Liu, B Yu, J Wu, EL Kang, M Xu, S Wang, A Klein, Y Chen
Remote Sensing of Environment 204, 568-582, 2018
Regional synthesis of last glacial maximum snowlines in the tropical Andes, South America
JA Smith, GO Seltzer, DT Rodbell, AG Klein
Quaternary International 138, 145-167, 2005
Assessment of sediment contamination in Casco Bay, Maine, USA
TL Wade, ST Sweet, AG Klein
Environmental Pollution 152 (3), 505-521, 2008
Suitability assessment for New Minia City, Egypt: a GIS approach to engineering geology
MH Aly, JR Giardino, AG Klein
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 11 (3), 259-269, 2005
Permanent Scatterer investigation of land subsidence in Greater Cairo, Egypt
MH Aly, HA Zebker, JR Giardino, AG Klein
Geophysical Journal International 178 (3), 1238-1245, 2009
Land subsidence in the Nile Delta of Egypt observed by persistent scatterer interferometry
MH Aly, AG Klein, HA Zebker, JR Giardino
Remote Sensing Letters 3 (7), 621-630, 2012
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Articles 1–20