Christine Eckert
Christine Eckert
EBS University of Business and Law
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Cited by
Multi-channel price differentiation: An empirical investigation of existence and causes
A Wolk, C Ebling
International Journal of Research in Marketing 27 (2), 142-150, 2010
Segmenting consumers’ reasons for and against ethical consumption
P F. Burke, C Eckert, S Davis
European Journal of Marketing 48 (11/12), 2237-2261, 2014
Financial Competence and Expectations Formation: Evidence from Australia*
H Bateman, C Eckert, J Geweke, J Louviere, S Thorp, S Satchell
Economic Record 88 (280), 39-63, 2012
Another look at loss aversion in brand choice data: Can we characterize the loss averse consumer?
D Klapper, C Ebling, J Temme
International Journal of Research in Marketing 22 (3), 239-254, 2005
How Much Does A Companys Reputation Matter in Recruiting?
P Auger, TM Devinney, GR Dowling, C Eckert, N Lin
MIT Sloan management review 54 (3), 23, 2013
Addressing Endogeneity Without Instrumental Variables: An Evaluation of the Gaussian Copula Approach for Management Research
C Eckert, J Hohberger
Journal of Management, 01492063221085913, 2022
First impressions matter: An experimental investigation of online financial advice
JR Agnew, H Bateman, C Eckert, F Iskhakov, J Louviere, S Thorp
Management Science 64 (1), 288-307, 2016
Complementarity of internal and external R & D: is there a difference between product versus process innovations?
A Krzeminska, C Eckert
R&D Management 46 (S3), 931-944, 2016
Dissuasive cigarette sticks: the next step in standardised (‘plain’) packaging?
J Hoek, P Gendall, C Eckert, J Louviere
Tobacco control 25 (6), 699-705, 2016
Financial competence, risk presentation and retirement portfolio preferences
H Bateman, C Eckert, J Geweke, J Louviere, S Satchell, S Thorp
Journal of Pension Economics & Finance 13 (1), 27-61, 2014
Using discrete choice experiments to estimate willingness-to-pay intervals
C Schlereth, C Eckert, B Skiera
Marketing Letters 23 (3), 761-776, 2012
Young adult susceptible non-smokers’ and smokers’ responses to capsule cigarettes
J Hoek, P Gendall, C Eckert, J Louviere, ML Blank, JF Thrasher
Tobacco control, tobaccocontrol-2018-054470, 2018
Individual capability and effort in retirement benefit choice
H Bateman, C Eckert, F Iskhakov, J Louviere, S Satchell, S Thorp
Journal of Risk and Insurance 85 (2), 483-512, 2018
Seeing the forest despite the trees: Brand effects on choice uncertainty
C Eckert, JJ Louviere, T Islam
International Journal of Research in Marketing 29 (3), 256-264, 2012
Effects of brand variants on smokers’ choice behaviours and risk perceptions
J Hoek, P Gendall, C Eckert, J Kemper, J Louviere
Tobacco control 25 (2), 160-165, 2016
Default and naive diversification heuristics in annuity choice
H Bateman, C Eckert, F Iskhakov, J Louviere, S Satchell, S Thorp
Australian Journal of Management 42 (1), 32-57, 2017
Risk presentation and portfolio choice
H Bateman, C Eckert, J Geweke, J Louviere, S Satchell, S Thorp
Review of Finance 20 (1), 201-229, 2015
A comparison of on-pack Quitline information formats
J Hoek, P Gendall, C Eckert, K Rolls, J Louviere
Tobacco control 25 (2), 211-217, 2016
Measurement of preferences with self-explicated approaches: a classification and merge of trade-off-and non-trade-off-based evaluation types
C Schlereth, C Eckert, R Schaaf, B Skiera
European Journal of Operational Research 238 (1), 185-198, 2014
A simple method for estimating preference parameters for individuals
BD Frischknecht, C Eckert, J Geweke, JJ Louviere
International Journal of Research in Marketing 31 (1), 35-48, 2014
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Articles 1–20