R. S.Madanayake
R. S.Madanayake
Instructor, University of Colombo School of Computing
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Cited by
Transforming Simplified Requirement in to a UML Use Case DiTransforming Simplified Requirement in to a UML Use Case DiTransforming Simplified Requirement in to a UML Use Case …
RS Madanayake, GKA Dias, ND Kodikara
International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering 6 (3), 61, 2017
A comparison between Evaluation of computer based testing and paper based testing for subjects in Computer Programming
S Arachchi, K Dias, RS Madanayake, E Chong, K Gunawardana
International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA) 5 (1), 2014
Use stories vs UML use cases in modular transformation
R Madanayake, GKA Dias, ND Kodikara
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science 3 (1), 1-5, 2016
Identification of learning styles and learning domains in Sri Lanka in the development of e-learning content
SM Arachchi, M Siriwardena, R Madanayake, K Dias
2010 International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer …, 2010
A framework to support the transformation of models between different system development methodologies
RS Madanayake, GKA Dias, ND Kodikara
University of Colombo School of Computing, 2013
A Study of the Issues in the Transformation of Models between Different System Development Methodologies
RS Madanayake, GKA Dias, ND Kodikara
SEARCC, 2013
Transformation of Requirement Techniques to Reduce Duplication of Work in Methodologies
RS Madanayake
Discovery of a New Method of Modular Transformations during the First Experimental Validation of the Transformation from Entity Relationship Diagrams to Class Diagrams
RS Madanayake, GKA Dias, ND Kodikara
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Articles 1–8