Michael Battaglia
Michael Battaglia
CSIRO University of Tasmania
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Process-based forest productivity models and their application in forest management
M Battaglia, PJ Sands
Forest Ecology and Management 102 (1), 13-32, 1998
Photosynthetic temperature responses of Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens
M Battaglia, C Beadle, S Loughhead
Tree physiology 16 (1-2), 81-89, 1996
Acclimation and adaptation components of the temperature dependence of plant photosynthesis at the global scale
DP Kumarathunge, BE Medlyn, JE Drake, MG Tjoelker, MJ Aspinwall, ...
New Phytologist 222 (2), 768-784, 2019
CABALA: a linked carbon, water and nitrogen model of forest growth for silvicultural decision support
M Battaglia, P Sands, D White, D Mummery
Forest Ecology and Management 193 (1-2), 251-282, 2004
Modelling site productivity of Eucalyptus globulus in response to climatic and site factors
M Battaglia, P Sands
Functional Plant Biology 24 (6), 831-850, 1997
Prediction of leaf area index in eucalypt plantations: effects of water stress and temperature
M Battaglia, ML Cherry, CL Beadle, PJ Sands, A Hingston
Tree physiology 18 (8-9), 521-528, 1998
BAAD: A biomass and allometry database for woody plants.
DS Falster, RA Duursma, MI Ishihara, DR Barneche, RG FitzJohn, ...
Ecological Society of America, 2015
Testing the generality of above‐ground biomass allometry across plant functional types at the continent scale
KI Paul, SH Roxburgh, J Chave, JR England, A Zerihun, A Specht, ...
Global change biology 22 (6), 2106-2124, 2016
Tree size and climatic water deficit control root to shoot ratio in individual trees globally
A Ledo, KI Paul, DFRP Burslem, JJ Ewel, C Barton, M Battaglia, ...
New Phytologist 217 (1), 8-11, 2018
Climate change: science and solutions for Australia
H Cleugh, H Cleugh, MS Smith, M Battaglia, P Graham
CSIRO, 2006
Land-use and sustainability under intersecting global change and domestic policy scenarios: Trajectories for Australia to 2050
BA Bryan, M Nolan, L McKellar, JD Connor, D Newth, T Harwood, D King, ...
Global Environmental Change 38, 130-152, 2016
Managing productivity and drought risk in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in south-western Australia
DA White, DS Crombie, J Kinal, M Battaglia, JF McGrath, DS Mendham, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (1), 33-44, 2009
Constraints on transpiration of Eucalyptus globulus in southern Tasmania, Australia
AP O’Grady, D Worledge, M Battaglia
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148 (3), 453-465, 2008
Application of process-based models to forest management: experience with PROMOD, a simple plantation productivity model
PJ Sands, M Battaglia, D Mummery
Tree Physiology 20 (5-6), 383-392, 2000
Modeling the effect of physiological responses to green pruning on net biomass production of Eucalyptus nitens
EA Pinkard, M Battaglia, CL Beadle, PJ Sands
Tree physiology 19 (1), 1-12, 1999
Photosynthetic responses of Eucalyptus nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden to green pruning
EA Pinkard, CL Beadle, NJ Davidson, M Battaglia
Trees 12, 119-129, 1998
Defoliation and nitrogen effects on photosynthesis and growth of Eucalyptus globulus
EA Pinkard, M Battaglia, CL Mohammed
Tree physiology 27 (7), 1053-1063, 2007
Coarse root biomass for eucalypt plantations in Tasmania, Australia: sources of variation and methods for assessment
SC Resh, M Battaglia, D Worledge, S Ladiges
Trees 17 (5), 389-399, 2003
Physiological basis of spacing effects on tree growth and form in Eucalyptus globulus
FL Henskens, M Battaglia, ML Cherry, CL Beadle
Trees 15, 365-377, 2001
Wood properties in a long-lived conifer reveal strong climate signals where ring-width series do not
DM Drew, K Allen, GM Downes, R Evans, M Battaglia, P Baker
Tree physiology 33 (1), 37-47, 2013
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Articles 1–20