Cristina B. Gibson
Cristina B. Gibson
Dean's Distinguished Professor of Management, Pepperdine University
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The antecedents, consequences, and mediating role of organizational ambidexterity
CB Gibson, J Birkinshaw
Academy of management Journal 47 (2), 209-226, 2004
A quarter century of Culture's Consequences: a review of empirical research incorporating Hofstede's cultural values framework
BL Kirkman, KB Lowe, CB Gibson
Journal of international business studies 37, 285-320, 2006
Building an ambidextrous organisation
J Birkinshaw, CB Gibson
Advanced Institute of Management Research Paper, 2004
Culture and international business: Recent advances and their implications for future research
K Leung, RS Bhagat, NR Buchan, M Erez, CB Gibson
Journal of international business studies 36, 357-378, 2005
Unpacking the concept of virtuality: The effects of geographic dispersion, electronic dependence, dynamic structure, and national diversity on team innovation
CB Gibson, JL Gibbs
Administrative science quarterly 51 (3), 451-495, 2006
The impact of team empowerment on virtual team performance: The moderating role of face-to-face interaction
BL Kirkman, B Rosen, PE Tesluk, CB Gibson
Academy of management journal 47 (2), 175-192, 2004
Thriving at work: Toward its measurement, construct validation, and theoretical refinement
C Porath, G Spreitzer, C Gibson, FG Garnett
Journal of organizational behavior 33 (2), 250-275, 2012
A healthy divide: Subgroups as a stimulus for team learning behavior
C Gibson, F Vermeulen
Administrative science quarterly 48 (2), 202-239, 2003
Virtual teams that work: Creating conditions for virtual team effectiveness
SG Gibson, C.B., and Cohen
Jossey-Bass, 2003
Team implicit coordination processes: A team knowledge–based approach
R Rico, M Sánchez-Manzanares, F Gil, C Gibson
Academy of management review 33 (1), 163-184, 2008
Five challenges to virtual team success: Lessons from Sabre, Inc.
BL Kirkman, B Rosen, CB Gibson, PE Tesluk, SO McPherson
Academy of Management Perspectives 16 (3), 67-79, 2002
Do they do what they believe they can? Group efficacy and group effectiveness across tasks and cultures
CB Gibson
Academy of management Journal 42 (2), 138-152, 1999
Taking stock in our progress on individualism-collectivism: 100 years of solidarity and community
PC Earley, CB Gibson
Journal of management 24 (3), 265-304, 1998
Multinational work teams: A new perspective
PC Earley
Taylor & Francis, 2002
Multinational organization context: Implications for team learning and performance
M Zellmer-Bruhn, C Gibson
Academy of management journal 49 (3), 501-518, 2006
Metaphors and meaning: An intercultural analysis of the concept of teamwork
CB Gibson, ME Zellmer-Bruhn
Administrative science quarterly 46 (2), 274-303, 2001
Doing research that is useful to practice a model and empirical exploration
SA Mohrman, CB Gibson, AM Mohrman Jr
Academy of Management journal 44 (2), 357-375, 2001
Toward human sustainability: How to enable more thriving at work
G Spreitzer, CL Porath, CB Gibson
Organizational Dynamics 41 (2), 155-162, 2012
Understanding group efficacy: An empirical test of multiple assessment methods
CB Gibson, AE Randel, PC Earley
Group & organization management 25 (1), 67-97, 2000
From knowledge accumulation to accommodation: Cycles of collective cognition in work groups
CB Gibson
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2001
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Articles 1–20