Megan Paull
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Cited by
When is a bystander not a bystander? A typology of the roles of bystanders in workplace bullying
M Paull, M Omari, P Standen
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 50 (3), 351-366, 2012
Applying the Kirkpatrick model: Evaluating an'interaction for learning framework'curriculum intervention
M Paull, C Whitsed, A Girardi
Issues in Educational Research 26 (3), 490-507, 2016
Target experiences of workplace bullying: Insights from Australia, India and Turkey
P D'Cruz, M Paull, M Omari, B Guneri-Cangarli
Employee Relations 38 (5), 805-823, 2016
The multidimensional benefits of university student volunteering: Psychological contract, expectations, and outcomes
D Haski-Leventhal, M Paull, S Young, J MacCallum, K Holmes, M Omari, ...
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 49 (1), 113-133, 2020
Using sensemaking as a diagnostic tool in the analysis of qualitative data
M Paull, I Boudville, H Sitlington
Nova Southeastern University, 2013
Self-control, injunctive norms, and descriptive norms predict engagement in plagiarism in a theory of planned behavior model
GJ Curtis, E Cowcher, BR Greene, K Rundle, M Paull, MC Davis
Journal of Academic Ethics 16, 225-239, 2018
Flexible Work Arrangements: Accessibility in a University Environment
F Sharafizad, M Paull, M Omari
Australian Universities' Review 53 (2), 4358, 2011
Reducing the prevalence of plagiarism: A model for staff, students and universities
TE Choo, M Paull
Issues in Educational Research 23 (2), 283-298, 2013
The careers of university professional staff: A systematic literature review
M Gander, A Girardi, M Paull
Career Development International 24 (7), 597-618, 2019
Public sector work intensification and negative behaviors
M Omari, M Paull
Journal of Organizational Change Management 28 (4), 603-613, 2015
‘Shut up and bill’: Workplace bullying challenges for the legal profession
M Omari, M Paull
International Journal of the Legal Profession 20 (2), 141-160, 2013
Nonprofit advocacy tactics: Thinking inside the box?
A Clear, M Paull, D Holloway
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 29 …, 2018
Bystanders in workplace bullying: working university students’ perspectives on action versus inaction
M Paull, M Omari, P D'Cruz, B Güneri Çangarli
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 58 (3), 313-334, 2020
A continuum of University student volunteer programme models
K Holmes, M Paull, D Haski-Leventhal, J MacCallum, M Omari, G Walker, ...
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 43 (3), 281-297, 2021
Workplace Abuse, Incivility and Bullying: Methodological and Cultural Perspectives
M Omari, Maryam, Paull
Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2016
Dignity and respect: important in volunteer settings too!
M Paull, M Omari
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 34 (3), 244-255, 2015
Reframing volunteer management: A view from the West
M Paull
Australian Journal on Volunteering 7 (1), 21-27, 2002
Engineering work integrated learning placements: the influence of capitals on students’ access
M Paull, N Lloyd, SA Male, T Clerke
Journal of higher education policy and management 41 (5), 534-549, 2019
Educator perceptions of soft skill development: An examination within the Malaysian public higher education sector
W Osman, A Girardi, M Paull
International Journal of Learning 18 (10), 49-62, 2012
Volunteering and the UN sustainable development goals: Finding common grou nd between national and international volunteering agendas?
P Devereux, M Paull, M Hawkes, N Georgeou
Third Sector Review 23 (1), 209-234, 2017
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Articles 1–20