Eduardo Araujo Oliveira
Eduardo Araujo Oliveira
Senior Lecturer, School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne
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Cited by
Uncovering the Honeypot Effect: How Audiences Engage with Public Interactive Systems
N Wouters, J Downs, M Harrop, T Cox, E Oliveira, S Webber, F Vetere, ...
DIS'16 location:Brisbane, Australia date:4-8 June 2016, 2016
The importance and meaning of session behaviour in a MOOC
PG de Barba, D Malekian, EA Oliveira, J Bailey, T Ryan, G Kennedy
Computers & Education 146, 103772, 2020
i-collaboration: Um modelo de colaboração inteligente personalizada para ambientes de EAD
EA Oliveira
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2008
Enabling adaptive, personalised and context-aware interaction in a smart learning environment: Piloting the iCollab system
E Oliveira, PG de Barba, L Corrin
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 37 (2), 1-23, 2021
Device nimbus: an intelligent middleware for smarter services for health and fitness
EA Oliveira, M Kirley, JCB Fonseca, K Gama
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (8), 454626, 2015
ForUX: um modelo de fórum de discussão para representações fidedignas de idéias
EA Oliveira, A Azevedo, J Fonseca, M Godoy, C Alves, AS Gomes
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2009
i-collaboration 3.0: um framework de apoio ao desenvolvimento de Ambientes Distribuídos de Aprendizagem Sensíveis ao Contexto
EA Oliveira
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2013
Um Survey sobre Plataformas de Mediação de Dados para Internet das Coisas
ECGF Silva, M Oliveira, EA Oliveira, K Gama, B Lóscio
42o SEMISH - Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware, 2015
Transitioning from motivational goal models to user stories within user-centred software design.
EA Oliveira, V Maram, L Sterling
Towards a middleware for context-aware health monitoring
EA Oliveira, F Koch, M Kirley, CVG dos Passos Barros
Advances in Social Computing and Multiagent Systems: 6th International …, 2015
Distributed and heterogeneous data analysis for smart urban planning
EA Oliveira, M Kirley, T Kvan, J Karakiewicz, C Vaz
Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. The Next City-New Technologies …, 2015
Widgets internship: developing learners skills in a user-centered development process
EA Oliveira, TP Falcão, V Ximenes, P Melo
Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2011
Processos Colaborativos e Tecnologias da Informação Aplicados ao Ensino de Medicina
G Vilar, DS Vilar, EA Oliveira, PHG Jatobá
Colabor@-A Revista Digital da CVA-RICESU 2 (7), 2010
Putting the Intelligent Collaboration Model in practice within the Cleverpal Environment
E Oliveira, P Tedesco
2009 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, 687-690, 2009
Collaborative environments for telecardiology
PH Jatoba, R Lima, G Vilar, E Oliveira, SS Mattos
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Same graph, different data: A usability study of a student-facing dashboard based on self-regulated learning theory
PG de Barba, EA Oliveira, X Hu
Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in …, 2022
AI-powered peer review process: An approach to enhance computer science students’ engagement with code review in industry-based subjects
E Oliveira, S Rios, Z Jiang
ASCILITE Publications, 184-194, 2023
Digital and collaborative technologies for smarter distance education
EA Oliveira, VCO Aureliano, RS de França, PCAR Tedesco
Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA 14, 39-47, 2014
The impact of cognitive load on students’ academic writing: an authorship verification investigation
E Oliveira, PG de Barba
Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in …, 2022
Motivational models for validating agile requirements in Software Engineering subjects
EA Oliveira, L Sterling
The 19th International Conference on Software Engineering Research …, 2021
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Articles 1–20