Robert Spooner-Hart
Robert Spooner-Hart
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Abundance and natural control of the woolly aphid Eriosoma lanigerum in an Australian apple orchard IPM program
AH Nicholas, RN Spooner-Hart, RA Vickers
BioControl 50, 271-291, 2005
The alternative Pharaoh approach: stingless bees mummify beetle parasites alive
MK Greco, D Hoffmann, A Dollin, M Duncan, R Spooner-Hart, P Neumann
Naturwissenschaften 97, 319-323, 2010
Effects of salinity on photosynthesis, leaf anatomy, ion accumulation and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency in five Indian mangroves
P Nandy, S Das, M Ghose, R Spooner-Hart
Wetlands Ecology and Management 15, 347-357, 2007
Feeding behaviour of the Asiatic citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, on healthy and huanglongbing‐infected citrus
Y Cen, C Yang, P Holford, GAC Beattie, RN Spooner‐Hart, G Liang, ...
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 143 (1), 13-22, 2012
Small hive beetle, Aethina tumida, populations I: Infestation levels of honeybee colonies, apiaries and regions
S Spiewok, JS Pettis, M Duncan, R Spooner-Hart, D Westervelt, ...
Apidologie 38 (6), 595-605, 2007
The Australian stingless bee industry: a follow-up survey, one decade on
MT Halcroft, R Spooner-Hart, AM Haigh, TA Heard, A Dollin
Journal of Apicultural Research 52 (2), 1-7, 2013
Effects of age, season and genetics on semen and sperm production in Apis mellifera drones
JW Rhodes, S Harden, R Spooner-Hart, DL Anderson, G Wheen
Apidologie 42, 29-38, 2011
Behavioral defense strategies of the stingless bee, Austroplebeia australis, against the small hive beetle, Aethina tumida
M Halcroft, R Spooner-Hart, P Neumann
Insectes Sociaux 58, 245-253, 2011
Alternative food sources of Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)
S Buchholz, MO Schäfer, S Spiewok, JS Pettis, M Duncan, W Ritter, ...
Journal of apicultural research 47 (3), 202-209, 2008
Pollination of Greenhouse Tomatoes by the Australian Bluebanded Bee Amegilla (Zonamegilla) holmesi (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
MC Bell, RN Spooner-Hart, AM Haigh
Journal of Economic Entomology 99 (2), 437-442, 2006
Acaricidal and cytotoxic activities of extracts from selected genera of Australian Lamiaceae
HL Rasikari, DN Leach, PG Waterman, RN Spooner-Hart, AH Basta, ...
Journal of economic entomology 98 (4), 1259-1266, 2005
Australian stingless bees
M Halcroft, R Spooner-Hart, LA Dollin
Pot-honey: a legacy of stingless bees, 35-72, 2012
Drowning or just waving? A perspective on the ways petroleum-derived oils kill arthropod pests of plants
P Taverner, A Beattie, D Watson, M Stevens, D Rae, R Spooner-Hart
Spray Oils Beyond 2000, ed by Beattie GAC, Watson DM, Stevens ML, Rae DJ and …, 2002
Independent cytoplasmic incompatibility induced by Cardinium and Wolbachia maintains endosymbiont coinfections in haplodiploid thrips populations
DT Nguyen, JL Morrow, RN Spooner-Hart, M Riegler
Evolution 71 (4), 995-1008, 2017
Localization and movement of mineral oil in plants by fluorescence and confocal microscopy
BL Tan, V Sarafis, GAC Beattie, R White, EM Darley, R Spooner-Hart
Journal of experimental botany 56 (420), 2755-2763, 2005
Influence of honey bee (Apis mellifera) on kiwifruit pollination and fruit quality under Australian conditions
D Howpage, RN Spooner‐Hart, V Vithanage
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 29 (1), 51-59, 2001
Small hive beetle, Aethina tumida, populations II: Dispersal of small hive beetles
S Spiewok, M Duncan, R Spooner-Hart, JS Pettis, P Neumann
Apidologie 39 (6), 683-693, 2008
Evidence of early flower infection in olives (Olea europaea) by Colletotrichum acutatum and C. gloeosporioides causing anthracnose disease
V Sergeeva, NG Nair, R Spooner-Hart
Australasian Plant Disease Notes 3 (1), 81-82, 2008
Chemical Characterization and Insecticidal Properties of Essential Oils from Different Wild Populations of Mentha suaveolens subsp. timija (Briq.) Harley from …
A Kasrati, C Alaoui Jamali, K Bekkouche, R Spooner‐Hart, D Leach, ...
Chemistry & Biodiversity 12 (5), 823-831, 2015
Use of olive mill wastewater as a suitable substrate for the production of laccase by Cerrena consors
J Mann, JL Markham, P Peiris, RN Spooner-Hart, P Holford, NG Nair
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 99, 138-145, 2015
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Articles 1–20