Jan Zaanen
Jan Zaanen
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Band theory and Mott insulators: Hubbard U instead of Stoner I
VI Anisimov, J Zaanen, OK Andersen
Physical Review B 44 (3), 943, 1991
Density-functional theory and strong interactions: Orbital ordering in Mott-Hubbard insulators
AI Liechtenstein, VI Anisimov, J Zaanen
Physical Review B 52 (8), R5467, 1995
Band gaps and electronic structure of transition-metal compounds
J Zaanen, GA Sawatzky, JW Allen
Physical review letters 55 (4), 418, 1985
From quantum matter to high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides
B Keimer, SA Kivelson, MR Norman, S Uchida, J Zaanen
Nature 518 (7538), 179-186, 2015
Charged magnetic domain lines and the magnetism of high- oxides
J Zaanen, O Gunnarsson
Physical Review B 40 (10), 7391, 1989
Superconductivity in the fullerenes
CM Varma, J Zaanen, K Raghavachari
Science 254 (5034), 989-992, 1991
The space group classification of topological band-insulators
RJ Slager, A Mesaros, V Juričić, J Zaanen
Nature Physics 9 (2), 98-102, 2013
Holographic duality in condensed matter physics
J Zaanen, Y Liu, YW Sun, K Schalm
Cambridge University Press, 2015
String theory, quantum phase transitions, and the emergent Fermi liquid
M Čubrović, J Zaanen, K Schalm
Science 325 (5939), 439-444, 2009
Density-functional calculation of the parameters in the Anderson model: Application to Mn in CdTe
O Gunnarsson, OK Andersen, O Jepsen, J Zaanen
Physical Review B 39 (3), 1708, 1989
Quantum critical behaviour in a high-Tc superconductor
D Marel, HJA Molegraaf, J Zaanen, Z Nussinov, F Carbone, A Damascelli, ...
Nature 425 (6955), 271-274, 2003
Spin-orbital frustrations and anomalous metallic state in iron-pnictide superconductors
F Krüger, S Kumar, J Zaanen, J van den Brink
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (5), 054504, 2009
Comparison of x-ray absorption with x-ray photoemission of nickel dihalides and NiO
G Van der Laan, J Zaanen, GA Sawatzky, R Karnatak, JM Esteva
Physical Review B 33 (6), 4253, 1986
Determination of the electronic structure of transition-metal compounds: 2p x-ray photoemission spectroscopy of the nickel dihalides
J Zaanen, C Westra, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 33 (12), 8060, 1986
Why the temperature is high
J Zaanen
Nature 430 (6999), 512-513, 2004
Spin bags, polarons, and impurity potentials in from first principles
VI Anisimov, MA Korotin, J Zaanen, OK Andersen
Physical review letters 68 (3), 345, 1992
Electronic structure of the parent compound of superconducting infinite-layer nickelates
M Hepting, D Li, CJ Jia, H Lu, E Paris, Y Tseng, X Feng, M Osada, E Been, ...
Nature materials 19 (4), 381-385, 2020
Quantum melting of magnetic order due to orbital fluctuations
LF Feiner, AM Oleś, J Zaanen
Physical review letters 78 (14), 2799, 1997
Nodal quasiparticle in pseudogapped colossal magnetoresistive manganites
N Mannella, WL Yang, XJ Zhou, H Zheng, JF Mitchell, J Zaanen, ...
Nature 438 (7067), 474-478, 2005
Systematics in band gaps and optical spectra of 3D transition metal compounds
J Zaanen, GA Sawatzky
Journal of solid state chemistry 88 (1), 8-27, 1990
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Articles 1–20