Elizabeth (Lizzie) Speechley
Cited by
Cited by
The bold and the sperm: positive association between boldness and sperm number in the guppy
C Gasparini, EM Speechley, G Polverino
Royal Society Open Science 6 (7), 190474, 2019
Female Western Australian magpies discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar human voices
M Dutour, SL Walsh, EM Speechley, AR Ridley
Ethology 127 (11), 979-985, 2021
Repeated testing does not confound cognitive performance in the Western Australian magpie (Cracticus tibicen dorsalis)
JG Sollis, BJ Ashton, EM Speechley, AR Ridley
Animal Cognition 26 (2), 579-588, 2023
Female guppies increase their propensity for polyandry as an inbreeding avoidance strategy
EM Speechley, C Gasparini, JP Evans
Animal behaviour 157, 87-93, 2019
Heritability of cognitive performance in wild Western Australian magpies
EM Speechley, BJ Ashton, A Thornton, LW Simmons, AR Ridley
Royal Society Open Science 11 (3), 231399, 2024
Does trappability and self-selection influence cognitive performance?
BJ Ashton, A Thornton, EM Speechley, AR Ridley
Royal Society Open Science 9 (9), 220473, 2022
Meta‐analyses reveal support for the Social Intelligence Hypothesis
EM Speechley, BJ Ashton, YZ Foo, LW Simmons, AR Ridley
Biological Reviews, 2024
Aggressive interactions influence cognitive performance in Western Australian magpies
EM Speechley, BJ Ashton, A Thornton, SL King, LW Simmons, ...
Proceedings B 291, 20240435, 2024
Problem-solving ability: a link between cognition and conservation?
AR Ridley, EM Speechley
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2024
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Articles 1–9