Ron Steinfeld
Ron Steinfeld
Associate Professor, Monash University
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Making NTRU as Secure as Worst-Case Problems over Ideal Lattices
D Stehlé, R Steinfeld
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2011: 30th Annual International Conference …, 2011
Faster fully homomorphic encryption
D Stehlé, R Steinfeld
Advances in Cryptology-ASIACRYPT 2010: 16th International Conference on the …, 2010
Efficient public key encryption based on ideal lattices
D Stehlé, R Steinfeld, K Tanaka, K Xagawa
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2009
Formal proofs for the security of signcryption
J Baek, R Steinfeld, Y Zheng
Public Key Cryptography: 5th International Workshop on Practice and Theory …, 2002
Content extraction signatures
R Steinfeld, L Bull, Y Zheng
Information Security and Cryptology—ICISC 2001: 4th International …, 2002
Universal designated-verifier signatures
R Steinfeld, L Bull, H Wang, J Pieprzyk
Advances in Cryptology-ASIACRYPT 2003: 9th International Conference on the …, 2003
Practical backward-secure searchable encryption from symmetric puncturable encryption
SF Sun, X Yuan, JK Liu, R Steinfeld, A Sakzad, V Vo, S Nepal
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2018
Improved security proofs in lattice-based cryptography: using the Rényi divergence rather than the statistical distance
S Bai, T Lepoint, A Roux-Langlois, A Sakzad, D Stehlé, R Steinfeld
Journal of Cryptology 31, 610-640, 2018
GGHLite: More efficient multilinear maps from ideal lattices
A Langlois, D Stehlé, R Steinfeld
Annual international conference on the theory and applications of …, 2014
Result pattern hiding searchable encryption for conjunctive queries
S Lai, S Patranabis, A Sakzad, JK Liu, D Mukhopadhyay, R Steinfeld, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2018
Formal proofs for the security of signcryption
J Baek, R Steinfeld, Y Zheng
Journal of cryptology 20, 203-235, 2007
Platform-independent secure blockchain-based voting system
B Yu, JK Liu, A Sakzad, S Nepal, R Steinfeld, P Rimba, MH Au
Information Security: 21st International Conference, ISC 2018, Guildford, UK …, 2018
Efficient extension of standard Schnorr/RSA signatures into universal designated-verifier signatures
R Steinfeld, H Wang, J Pieprzyk
Public Key Cryptography–PKC 2004: 7th International Workshop on Theory and …, 2004
VSH, an efficient and provable collision-resistant hash function
S Contini, AK Lenstra, R Steinfeld
Advances in Cryptology-EUROCRYPT 2006: 24th Annual International Conference …, 2006
An efficient non-interactive multi-client searchable encryption with support for boolean queries
SF Sun, JK Liu, A Sakzad, R Steinfeld, TH Yuen
Computer Security–ESORICS 2016: 21st European Symposium on Research in …, 2016
A signcryption scheme based on integer factorization
R Steinfeld, Y Zheng
Information Security: Third International Workshop, ISW 2000 Wollongong …, 2000
Post-quantum one-time linkable ring signature and application to ring confidential transactions in blockchain (lattice RingCT v1. 0)
WA Alberto Torres, R Steinfeld, A Sakzad, JK Liu, V Kuchta, ...
Information Security and Privacy: 23rd Australasian Conference, ACISP 2018 …, 2018
MatRiCT: efficient, scalable and post-quantum blockchain confidential transactions protocol
MF Esgin, RK Zhao, R Steinfeld, JK Liu, D Liu
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2019
Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics): Preface
M Abe, K Aoki, G Ateniese, R Avanzi, Z Beerliová, O Billet, A Biryukov, ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in …, 2006
Lattice-based zero-knowledge proofs: new techniques for shorter and faster constructions and applications
MF Esgin, R Steinfeld, JK Liu, D Liu
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 115-146, 2019
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Articles 1–20