Mark Byrd
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Cited by
Characterization of the positivity of the density matrix in terms of the coherence vector representation
MS Byrd, N Khaneja
Physical Review A 68 (6), 062322, 2003
Polynomial-time simulation of pairing models on a quantum computer
LA Wu, MS Byrd, DA Lidar
Physical Review Letters 89 (5), 057904, 2002
Efficient universal leakage elimination for physical and encoded qubits
LA Wu, MS Byrd, DA Lidar
Physical review letters 89 (12), 127901, 2002
A parametrization of bipartite systems based on SU (4) Euler angles
T Tilma, M Byrd, ECG Sudarshan
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35 (48), 10445, 2002
Differential geometry on SU (3) with applications to three state systems
M Byrd
Journal of Mathematical Physics 39 (11), 6125-6136, 1998
Comprehensive encoding and decoupling solution to problems of decoherence and design in solid-state quantum computing
MS Byrd, DA Lidar
Physical review letters 89 (4), 047901, 2002
Universal leakage elimination
MS Byrd, DA Lidar, LA Wu, P Zanardi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (5), 052301, 2005
Empirical determination of dynamical decoupling operations
MS Byrd, DA Lidar
Physical Review A 67 (1), 012324, 2003
Overview of quantum error prevention and leakage elimination
MS Byrd, LA Wu, DA Lidar
journal of modern optics 51 (16-18), 2449-2460, 2004
Bang–bang operations from a geometric perspective
MS Byrd, DA Lidar
Quantum Information Processing 1, 19-34, 2002
Nonperturbative leakage elimination operators and control of a three-level system
J Jing, LA Wu, M Byrd, JQ You, T Yu, ZM Wang
Physical Review Letters 114 (19), 190502, 2015
SU (3) revisited
M Byrd, ECG Sudarshan
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (46), 9255, 1998
The geometry of SU (3)
M Byrd
arXiv preprint physics/9708015, 1997
Bures measures over the spaces of two-and three-dimensional density matrices
MS Byrd, PB Slater
Physics Letters A 283 (3-4), 152-156, 2001
High-fidelity state transfer over an unmodulated linear spin chain
CA Bishop, YC Ou, ZM Wang, MS Byrd
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (4), 042313, 2010
Robust and reliable transfer of a qubit state through an spin chain
ZM Wang, C Allen Bishop, MS Byrd, B Shao, J Zou
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (2), 022330, 2009
Numerical method for finding decoherence-free subspaces and its applications
X Wang, M Byrd, K Jacobs
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 012338, 2013
Density matrices and geometric phases for n-state systems
LJ Boya, M Byrd, M Mims, ECG Sudarshan
arXiv preprint quant-ph/9810084, 1998
Adiabatic quantum simulation using trotterization
Y Sun, JY Zhang, MS Byrd, LA Wu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.11568, 2018
Self-protected quantum algorithms based on quantum state tomography
LA Wu, MS Byrd
Quantum Information Processing 8, 1-12, 2009
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Articles 1–20