Congdon BC
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Cited by
Extrapair paternity and egg hatchability in tree swallows: evidence for the genetic compatibility hypothesis?
B Kempenaers, B Congdon, P Boag, RJ Robertson
Behavioral Ecology 10 (3), 304-311, 1999
Intron variation in marbled murrelets detected using analyses of single‐stranded conformational polymorphisms
VL Friesen, BC Congdon, HE Walsh, TP Birt
Molecular Ecology 6 (11), 1047-1058, 1997
Observed and predicted effects of climate on Australian seabirds
LE Chambers, CA Devney, BC Congdon, N Dunlop, EJ Woehler, P Dann
Emu-Austral Ornithology 111 (3), 235-251, 2011
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for the amplification of five nuclear introns in vertebrates.
VL Friesen, BC Congdon, MG Kidd, TP Birt
Molecular Ecology 8 (12), 1999
Mechanisms of population differentiation in marbled murrelets: historical versus contemporary processes
BC Congdon, JF Piatt, K Martin, VL Friesen
Evolution 54 (3), 974-986, 2000
Global diversity and oceanic divergence of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)
JA Jackson, DJ Steel, P Beerli, BC Congdon, C Olavarría, MS Leslie, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1786), 20133222, 2014
Dual-foraging and co-ordinated provisioning in a tropical Procellariiform, the wedge-tailed shearwater
BC Congdon, AK Krockenberger, BV Smithers
Marine Ecology Progress Series 301, 293-301, 2005
Elevated sea-surface temperature, reduced provisioning and reproductive failure of wedge-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus) in the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia
BV Smithers, DR Peck, AK Krockenberger, BC Congdon
Marine and Freshwater Research 54 (8), 973-977, 2003
Sea surface temperature constrains wedge-tailed shearwater foraging success within breeding seasons
DR Peck, BV Smithers, AK Krockenberger, BC Congdon
Marine Ecology Progress Series 281, 259-266, 2004
Sensitivity of tropical seabirds to El Niño precursors
CA Devney, M Short, BC Congdon
Ecology 90 (5), 1175-1183, 2009
Long distance biotic dispersal of tropical seagrass seeds by marine mega-herbivores
SJ Tol, JC Jarvis, PH York, A Grech, BC Congdon, RG Coles
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 4458, 2017
Reconciling historical processes and population structure in the sooty tern Sterna fuscata
DR Peck, BC Congdon
Journal of Avian Biology 35 (4), 327-335, 2004
Close genetic similarity between two sympatric species of tephritid fruit fly reproductively isolated by mating time
J Morrow, L Scott, B Congdon, D Yeates, M Frommer, J Sved
Evolution 54 (3), 899-910, 2000
Sex‐specific chick provisioning and diving behaviour in the wedge‐tailed shearwater Puffinus pacificus
DR Peck, BC Congdon
Journal of Avian Biology 37 (3), 245-251, 2006
Geographical variation in song frequency and structure: the effects of vicariant isolation, habitat type and body size
AH Koetz, DA Westcott, BC Congdon
Animal Behaviour 74 (5), 1573-1583, 2007
Molecular evidence that fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis, Asteraceae) is of South African origin
LJ Scott, BC Congdon, J Playford
Plant Systematics and Evolution 213, 251-257, 1998
Importance of tropical tuna for seabird foraging over a marine productivity gradient
MGR Miller, N Carlile, JS Phillips, F McDuie, BC Congdon
Marine Ecology Progress Series 586, 233-249, 2018
Day-to-day variation in sea-surface temperature reduces sooty tern Sterna fuscata foraging success on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
CA Erwin, BC Congdon
Marine Ecology Progress Series 331, 255-266, 2007
Redundancy among mammalian fungal dispersers and the importance of declining specialists
SJ Nuske, K Vernes, TW May, AW Claridge, BC Congdon, ...
Fungal Ecology 27, 1-13, 2017
Dugong dugon feeding in tropical Australian seagrass meadows: implications for conservation planning
SJ Tol, RG Coles, BC Congdon
PeerJ 4, e2194, 2016
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Articles 1–20