Vera Lúcia Strube de Lima
Vera Lúcia Strube de Lima
independent consultant
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Cited by
Linguística computacional: princípios e aplicações
R Vieira, VLS Lima
IX Escola de Informática da SBC-Sul. Luciana Nedel (Ed.) Passo Fundo …, 2001
A semi-automatic method for domain ontology extraction from portuguese language wikipedia’s categories
CC Xavier, VLS De Lima
Advances in Artificial Intelligence–SBIA 2010: 20th Brazilian Symposium on …, 2010
Mapping syntactic dependencies onto semantic relations
P Gamallo, M Gonzalez, A Agustini, G Lopes, VS De Lima
Proceedings of the ECAI workshop on machine learning and natural language …, 2002
Recuperação de informação e processamento da linguagem natural
M Gonzalez, VLS Lima
XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação 3, 347-395, 2003
A systematic review of named entity recognition in biomedical texts
RRV Goulart, VL Strube de Lima, CC Xavier
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 17, 103-116, 2011
Using syntactic contexts for measuring word similarity
C Gasperin, P Gamallo, A Agustini, G Lopes, V De Lima
Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Knowledge Acquisition and Categorisation, 2001
Open information extraction based on lexical-syntactic patterns
CC Xavier, VLS de Lima, M Souza
2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 189-194, 2013
Possessive pronominal anaphor resolution in Portuguese written texts
I Paraboni, VLS de Lima
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and …, 1998
The Portuguese Language in the Digital Age/A língua portuguesa na era digital
A Branco, A Mendes, S Pereira, P Henriques, T Pellegrini, H Meinedo, ...
Berlin: Springer, 2012
Open information extraction based on lexical semantics
CC Xavier, VL Strube de Lima, M Souza
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 21, 1-14, 2015
Desafios do processamento de línguas naturais
VLS de Lima, MGV Nunes, R Vieira
SEMISH-Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware 34, 1, 2007
Boosting Open Information Extraction with Noun-Based Relations.
CC Xavier, VLS de Lima
LREC, 96-100, 2014
Contribution à l'étude du traitement des erreurs au niveau lexico-syntaxique dans un texte écrit en français
VLS den Lima
Université Joseph-Fourier-Grenoble I, 1990
Evaluation of a thesaurus-based query expansion technique
LAS Pizzato, VLS de Lima
International Workshop on Computational Processing of the Portuguese …, 2003
Tools for nominalization: An alternative for lexical normalization
MAI Gonzalez, VLS de Lima, JV de Lima
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 7th International …, 2006
Towards a complete detection/correction system
J Courtin, D Dujardin, I Kowarski, D Genthial, VL De Lima
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 1991
The Portuguese Language in the Digital Age
A Branco, A Mendes, S Pereira, P Henriques, T Pellegrini, H Meinedo, ...
Springer, 2012
Clustering and categorization of brazilian portuguese legal documents
LO de Colla Furquim, VLS De Lima
International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese …, 2012
Multi-agent systems for natural language processing
A Carvalho, DS de Paiva, JS Sichman, JLT da Silva, RS Wazlawick, ...
Proceedings of the Second Iberoamerican Workshop on Distributed Artificial …, 1998
Semantic thesaurus for automatic expanded query in information retrieval
M Gonzalez, VLS de Lima
Proceedings Eighth Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval …, 2001
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Articles 1–20