Camilla Soravia
Cited by
Cited by
The impacts of heat stress on animal cognition: implications for adaptation to a changing climate
C Soravia, BJ Ashton, A Thornton, AR Ridley
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 12 (4), e713, 2021
General cognitive performance declines with female age and is negatively related to fledging success in a wild bird
C Soravia, BJ Ashton, A Thornton, AR Ridley
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1989), 20221748, 2022
Brood sex ratio modulates the effects of extra food on parental effort and sibling competition in a sexually dimorphic raptor
C Soravia, JG Cecere, D Rubolini
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75, 1-15, 2021
High temperatures are associated with reduced cognitive performance in wild southern pied babblers
C Soravia, BJ Ashton, A Thornton, AR Ridley
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (2011), 20231077, 2023
Ectoparasites exposure affects early growth and mouth colour in nestlings of a cavity-nesting raptor
A Romano, M Corti, C Soravia, JG Cecere, D Rubolini
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75, 1-15, 2021
The importance of investigating the impact of simultaneous anthropogenic stressors: the effects of rising temperatures and anthropogenic noise on avian behaviour and cognition
G Blackburn, C Soravia, AR Ridley
Journal of Avian Biology 2024 (11-12), e03256, 2024
High temperatures during early development reduce adult cognitive performance and reproductive success in a wild animal population
C Soravia, BJ Ashton, A Thornton, AR Bourne, AR Ridley
Science of the Total Environment 912, 169111, 2024
Investigating the relationship between heat stress and cognition in a wild animal
C Soravia
Periorbital temperature responses to natural air temperature variation in wild birds
C Soravia, BJ Ashton, AR Ridley
Journal of Thermal Biology 109, 103323, 2022
Huddling in the heat? Rarely seen thermoregulatory behaviours as Southern Pied Babblers Turdoides bicolor compete for cool microsites
AR Bourne, C Soravia
Ostrich 94 (3), 217-222, 2023
Extra food provisioning does not affect behavioral lateralization in nestling lesser kestrels
C Soravia, A Bisazza, JG Cecere, D Rubolini
Current Zoology 69 (1), 66-75, 2023
The reliability of achromatic displays is island‐dependent in nocturnal Storm Petrels
C Soravia, F Aguado‐Giménez, JM Avilés
Ibis 162 (3), 655-672, 2020
The lie of the “black lightning”: signal reliability in a seabird
C Soravia
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Articles 1–13