Nima Noraei Danesh
Nima Noraei Danesh
Postdoctoral researcher, China University of Mining & Technology
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Cited by
Comparison of low-field NMR and microfocus X-ray computed tomography in fractal characterization of pores in artificial cores
Y Zhao, G Zhu, Y Dong, NN Danesh, Z Chen, T Zhang
Fuel 210, 217-226, 2017
Impact of creep on the evolution of coal permeability and gas drainage performance
NN Danesh, Z Chen, SM Aminossadati, MS Kizil, Z Pan, LD Connell
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33, 469-482, 2016
Characterisation of creep in coal and its impact on permeability: an experimental study
NN Danesh, Z Chen, LD Connell, MS Kizil, Z Pan, SM Aminossadati
International Journal of Coal Geology 173, 200-211, 2017
Role of bedding plane in the relationship between Mode-I fracture toughness and tensile strength of shale
X Shi, Y Zhao, NN Danesh, X Zhang, T Tang
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 81 (2), 81, 2022
Measurement of shale anisotropic permeability and its impact on shale gas production
Z Pan, Y Ma, NN Danesh, LD Connell, R Sander, DI Down, M Camilleri
SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, SPE …, 2015
Prediction of interactive effects of CBM production, faulting stress regime, and fault in coal reservoir: Numerical simulation
NN Danesh, Y Zhao, T Teng, MS Masoudian
Journal of natural gas science and engineering 99, 104419, 2022
Quantification of pore modification in coals due to pulverization using synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering
Y Zhao, T Liu, NN Danesh, Y Sun, S Liu, Y Wang
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 84, 103669, 2020
Dynamic tensile failure of layered sorptive rocks: Shale and coal
X Shi, Y Zhao, W Yao, S Gong, NN Danesh
Engineering Failure Analysis 138, 106346, 2022
Comparative study on modes I and II fracture characteristics of bituminous coal using asymmetric semi-circular bend specimen
Y Zhao, Z Sun, T Teng, W Wang, NN Danesh, C Zhang
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 120, 103377, 2022
Experimental and Numerical Simulation Study of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation during Coalbed Methane Development
Q Ren, Y Jiang, P Wang, G Wu, N Noraei Danesh
Geofluids 2021 (3632997), 2021
Characteristics Evolution of Multiscale Structures in Deep Coal under Liquid Nitrogen Freeze‐Thaw Cycles
Y Sun, Y Zhao, Y Li, NN Danesh, Z Zhang
Geofluids 2021 (1), 8921533, 2021
Impact of liquid nitrogen freeze–thaw on multistage gas flow: differences between shallow and deep coal in Qinshui Basin
Y Sun, Y Zhao, Y Li, NN Danesh, Z Zhang
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 9 (1), 41, 2023
Nano-to micro-pore characterization by synchrotron radiation SAXS and nano-CT for bituminous coals
Y Zhao, C Han, Y Sun, NN Danesh, T Liu, Y Gao
Frontiers of Earth Science 15 (2), 189-201, 2021
Uniaxial compressive strength estimation based on the primary wave velocity in coal: considering scale effect and anisotropy
YL Honghua Song, Yixin Zhao, Nima Noraei Danesh, Yaodong Jiang
Energy Sources, 2020
Infrared radiation and acoustic emission characteristics of sandstone with different granularities under uniaxial compression
Y Zhao, B Liu, C Ling, Y Gao, X Wang, NN Danesh
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 82 (1), 24, 2023
The characteristics of closed pores in coals with different ranks
T Liu, Y Zhao, N Noraei Danesh
Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021
Impact of flow regimes on coal fines generation during Coal Seam Gas production process
T Bai, Z Chen, SM Aminossadati, NN Danesh, Z Pan, J Liu, L Li
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2016-427, 2016
Mechanical properties and brittleness characteristics of sandstone from different burial depths
Y Zhao, X Wang, Y Guo, NN Danesh, Y Jiang
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 8 (5), 165, 2022
Creep: A neglected phenomenon in coal permeability evolution and coalbed methane production
NN Danesh, Z Chen, SM Aminossadati, M Kizil, Z Pan, LD Connell
SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, SPE …, 2015
The impact of time-dependent deformation on coal permeability and gas drainage efficiency
N Noraei Danesh
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Articles 1–20