Kristen Cetin
Cited by
Cited by
Modeling urban building energy use: A review of modeling approaches and procedures
W Li, Y Zhou, K Cetin, J Eom, Y Wang, G Chen, X Zhang
Energy 141, 2445-2457, 2017
Development and validation of an HVAC on/off controller in EnergyPlus for energy simulation of residential and small commercial buildings
KS Cetin, MH Fathollahzadeh, N Kunwar, H Do, PC Tabares-Velasco
Energy and Buildings 183, 467-483, 2019
Freeze-thaw performance of phase change material (PCM) incorporated pavement subgrade soil
M Mahedi, B Cetin, KS Cetin
Construction and Building Materials 202, 449-464, 2019
Appliance daily energy use in new residential buildings: Use profiles and variation in time-of-use
KS Cetin, PC Tabares-Velasco, A Novoselac
Energy and Buildings 84, 716-726, 2014
Typical occupancy profiles and behaviors in residential buildings in the United States
D Mitra, N Steinmetz, Y Chu, KS Cetin
Energy and Buildings 210, 109713, 2020
Energy savings and daylighting evaluation of dynamic venetian blinds and lighting through full-scale experimental testing
N Kunwar, KS Cetin, U Passe, X Zhou, Y Li
Energy 197, 117190, 2020
Single and multi-family residential central all-air HVAC system operational characteristics in cooling-dominated climate
KS Cetin, A Novoselac
Energy and Buildings 96, 210-220, 2015
Impacts of COVID-19 on residential building energy use and performance
E Kawka, K Cetin
Building and Environment 205, 108200, 2021
Evaluation of the causes and impact of outliers on residential building energy use prediction using inverse modeling
H Do, KS Cetin
Building and Environment 138, 194-206, 2018
Energy efficiency in US residential rental housing: Adoption rates and impact on rent
J Im, Y Seo, KS Cetin, J Singh
Applied Energy 205, 1021-1033, 2017
An assessment of opinions and perceptions of smart thermostats using aspect-based sentiment analysis of online reviews
DM Koupaei, T Song, KS Cetin, J Im
Building and Environment 170, 106603, 2020
Development and analysis of residential change-point models from smart meter data
KX Perez, K Cetin, M Baldea, TF Edgar
Energy and Buildings 139, 351-359, 2017
Design and full-scale implementation of the largest operational electrically conductive concrete heated pavement system
A Malakooti, WS Theh, SMS Sadati, H Ceylan, S Kim, M Mina, K Cetin, ...
Construction and Building Materials 255, 119229, 2020
Parametric study of the progressive freeze concentration for desalination
S Moharramzadeh, SK Ong, J Alleman, KS Cetin
Desalination 510, 115077, 2021
Smart meters and smart devices in buildings: A review of recent progress and influence on electricity use and peak demand
KS Cetin, Z O’Neill
Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports 4, 1-7, 2017
A critical review of fenestration/window system design methods for high performance buildings
F Feng, N Kunwar, K Cetin, Z O'Neill
Energy and Buildings 248, 111184, 2021
Towards resilient infrastructure systems for winter weather events: Integrated stochastic economic evaluation of electrically conductive heated airfield pavements
A Nahvi, SMS Sadati, K Cetin, H Ceylan, A Sassani, S Kim
Sustainable cities and society 41, 195-204, 2018
Cluster analysis of occupancy schedules in residential buildings in the United States
D Mitra, Y Chu, K Cetin
Energy and Buildings 236, 110791, 2021
On the long-term density prediction of peak electricity load with demand side management in buildings
Y Jang, E Byon, E Jahani, K Cetin
Energy and BUILDINGS 228, 110450, 2020
Residential building energy consumption: a review of energy data availability, characteristics, and energy performance prediction methods
H Do, KS Cetin
Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports 5, 76-85, 2018
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Articles 1–20