Rosalie Hocking
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Cited by
Overall electrochemical splitting of water at the heterogeneous interface of nickel and iron oxide
BHR Suryanto, Y Wang, RK Hocking, W Adamson, C Zhao
Nature communications 10 (1), 5599, 2019
Water-oxidation catalysis by manganese in a geochemical-like cycle
RK Hocking, R Brimblecombe, LY Chang, A Singh, MH Cheah, C Glover, ...
Nature chemistry 3 (6), 461-466, 2011
Fe L-Edge XAS Studies of K4[Fe(CN)6] and K3[Fe(CN)6]:  A Direct Probe of Back-Bonding
RK Hocking, EC Wasinger, FMF de Groot, KO Hodgson, B Hedman, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (32), 10442-10451, 2006
Sorption of arsenic (V) and arsenic (III) to schwertmannite
ED Burton, RT Bush, SG Johnston, KM Watling, RK Hocking, LA Sullivan, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 43 (24), 9202-9207, 2009
A surfactant‐free and scalable general strategy for synthesizing ultrathin two‐dimensional metal–organic framework nanosheets for the oxygen evolution reaction
L Zhuang, L Ge, H Liu, Z Jiang, Y Jia, Z Li, D Yang, RK Hocking, M Li, ...
Angewandte Chemie 131 (38), 13699-13706, 2019
Highly active nickel oxide water oxidation catalysts deposited from molecular complexes
A Singh, SLY Chang, RK Hocking, U Bach, L Spiccia
Energy & Environmental Science 6 (2), 579-586, 2013
Capturing the active sites of multimetallic (oxy) hydroxides for the oxygen evolution reaction
X Bo, RK Hocking, S Zhou, Y Li, X Chen, J Zhuang, Y Du, C Zhao
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (11), 4225-4237, 2020
Mobility of arsenic and selected metals during re-flooding of iron-and organic-rich acid-sulfate soil
ED Burton, RT Bush, LA Sullivan, SG Johnston, RK Hocking
Chemical Geology 253 (1-2), 64-73, 2008
In Situ Reconstruction of V‐Doped Ni2P Pre‐Catalysts with Tunable Electronic Structures for Water Oxidation
T Zhao, X Shen, Y Wang, RK Hocking, Y Li, C Rong, K Dastafkan, Z Su, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (25), 2100614, 2021
Tuning the Coordination Structure of CuNC Single Atom Catalysts for Simultaneous Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 and NO3 to Urea
J Leverett, T Tran‐Phu, JA Yuwono, P Kumar, C Kim, Q Zhai, C Han, J Qu, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (32), 2201500, 2022
Defect‐Induced Pt–Co–Se Coordinated Sites with Highly Asymmetrical Electronic Distribution for Boosting Oxygen‐Involving Electrocatalysis
L Zhuang, Y Jia, H Liu, X Wang, RK Hocking, H Liu, J Chen, L Ge, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (4), 1805581, 2019
Intrinsically stable in situ generated electrocatalyst for long-term oxidation of acidic water at up to 80 C
M Chatti, JL Gardiner, M Fournier, B Johannessen, T Williams, ...
Nature Catalysis 2 (5), 457-465, 2019
Properties, synthesis, and applications of carbon dots: A review
D Ozyurt, M Al Kobaisi, RK Hocking, B Fox
Carbon Trends 12, 100276, 2023
Highly active screen-printed electrocatalysts for water oxidation based on β-manganese oxide
M Fekete, RK Hocking, SLY Chang, C Italiano, AF Patti, F Arena, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 6 (7), 2222-2232, 2013
Iron-monosulfide oxidation in natural sediments: resolving microbially mediated S transformations using XANES, electron microscopy, and selective extractions
ED Burton, RT Bush, LA Sullivan, RK Hocking, DRG Mitchell, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 43 (9), 3128-3134, 2009
Implanting Ni-O-VOx sites into Cu-doped Ni for low-overpotential alkaline hydrogen evolution
Y Li, X Tan, RK Hocking, X Bo, H Ren, B Johannessen, SC Smith, C Zhao
Nature communications 11 (1), 2720, 2020
Fe L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy of low-spin heme relative to non-heme Fe complexes: Delocalization of Fe d-electrons into the porphyrin ligand
RK Hocking, EC Wasinger, YL Yan, FMF Degroot, FA Walker, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (1), 113-125, 2007
Nitrogen Vacancy Induced Coordinative Reconstruction of Single‐Atom Ni Catalyst for Efficient Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
C Jia, S Li, Y Zhao, RK Hocking, W Ren, X Chen, Z Su, W Yang, Y Wang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (51), 2107072, 2021
Electrodeposited MnOx Films from Ionic Liquid for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation
F Zhou, A Izgorodin, RK Hocking, L Spiccia, DR MacFarlane
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (8), 1013-1021, 2012
Co-doped ZnO nanopowders: location of cobalt and reduction in photocatalytic activity
R He, RK Hocking, T Tsuzuki
Materials Chemistry and Physics 132 (2-3), 1035-1040, 2012
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Articles 1–20