Colin E. Vize
Colin E. Vize
Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh
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Differences among dark triad components: A meta-analytic investigation.
CE Vize, DR Lynam, KL Collison, JD Miller
Personality disorders: Theory, research, and treatment 9 (2), 101, 2018
Vulnerable narcissism is (mostly) a disorder of neuroticism
JD Miller, DR Lynam, C Vize, M Crowe, C Sleep, JL Maples‐Keller, ...
Journal of personality 86 (2), 186-199, 2018
A critical appraisal of the dark-triad literature and suggestions for moving forward
JD Miller, C Vize, ML Crowe, DR Lynam
Current Directions in Psychological Science 28 (4), 353-360, 2019
Development and preliminary validation of a five factor model measure of Machiavellianism.
KL Collison, CE Vize, JD Miller, DR Lynam
Psychological assessment 30 (10), 1401, 2018
The “core” of the dark triad: A test of competing hypotheses.
CE Vize, KL Collison, JD Miller, DR Lynam
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 11 (2), 91, 2020
Tutorial: Power analyses for interaction effects in cross-sectional regressions
DAA Baranger, MC Finsaas, BL Goldstein, CE Vize, DR Lynam, TM Olino
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6 (3 …, 2023
FFM facets and their relations with different forms of antisocial behavior: An expanded meta-analysis
CE Vize, JD Miller, DR Lynam
Journal of Criminal Justice 57, 67-75, 2018
Examining the effects of controlling for shared variance among the dark triad using meta–analytic structural equation modelling
CE Vize, KL Collison, JD Miller, DR Lynam
European Journal of Personality 32 (1), 46-61, 2018
Sex differences in the Big Five model personality traits: A behavior genetics exploration
SC South, AM Jarnecke, CE Vize
Journal of Research in Personality 74, 158-165, 2018
Examining the conceptual and empirical distinctiveness of agreeableness and “dark” personality items
CE Vize, JD Miller, DR Lynam
Journal of Personality 89 (3), 594-612, 2021
Using Bayesian methods to update and expand the meta-analytic evidence of the five-factor model's relation to antisocial behavior
CE Vize, KL Collison, JD Miller, DR Lynam
Clinical psychology review 67, 61-77, 2019
Identifying essential features of juvenile psychopathy in the prediction of later antisocial behavior: Is there an additive, synergistic, or curvilinear role for fearless …
CE Vize, DR Lynam, J Lamkin, JD Miller, D Pardini
Clinical Psychological Science 4 (3), 572-590, 2016
Triarchic or septarchic?—Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure’s (TriPM) structure.
S Roy, C Vize, K Uzieblo, JDM Van Dongen, J Miller, D Lynam, I Brazil, ...
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 12 (1), 1, 2021
Using dominance analysis to decompose narcissism and its relation to aggression and externalizing outcomes
CE Vize, KL Collison, ML Crowe, WK Campbell, JD Miller, DR Lynam
Assessment 26 (2), 260-270, 2019
Personality disorder traits: Perceptions of likability, impairment, and ability to change as correlates and moderators of desired level.
JD Miller, CE Sleep, J Lamkin, C Vize, WK Campbell, DR Lynam
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 9 (5), 478, 2018
Exploring gender differences in Machiavellianism using a measurement invariance approach
KL Collison, S South, CE Vize, JD Miller, DR Lynam
Journal of personality assessment 103 (2), 258-266, 2021
Development and validation of the super-short form of the Five Factor Machiavellianism Inventory (FFMI-SSF)
TV Du, KL Collison, C Vize, JD Miller, DR Lynam
Journal of Personality Assessment 103 (6), 732-739, 2021
The importance of antagonism: Explaining similarities and differences in psychopathy and narcissism's relations with aggression and externalizing outcomes
CE Vize, KL Collison, DR Lynam
Journal of personality disorders 34 (6), 842-854, 2020
Do the Big Five personality traits interact to predict life outcomes? Systematically testing the prevalence, nature, and effect size of trait-by-trait moderation
CE Vize, BM Sharpe, JD Miller, DR Lynam, CJ Soto
European Journal of Personality 37 (5), 605-625, 2023
Antagonism in daily life: An exploratory ecological momentary assessment study
CE Vize, WR Ringwald, EA Edershile, AGC Wright
Clinical Psychological Science 10 (1), 90-108, 2022
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Articles 1–20