Sarah Phillips
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Cited by
Deficiency of prebiotic fiber and insufficient signaling through gut metabolite-sensing receptors leads to cardiovascular disease
DM Kaye, WA Shihata, HA Jama, K Tsyganov, M Ziemann, H Kiriazis, ...
Circulation 141 (17), 1393-1403, 2020
Effect of Morning Exercise With or Without Breaks in Prolonged Sitting on Blood Pressure in Older Overweight/Obese Adults: Evidence for Sex Differences
MJ Wheeler, DW Dunstan, KA Ellis, E Cerin, S Phillips, G Lambert, ...
Hypertension 73 (4), 859-867, 2019
Brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
S Shorakae, E Jona, G Lambert, E Lambert, S Phillips, I Clarke, H Teede, ...
BioScientifica, 2017
Circulating epinephrine is not required for chronic stress to enhance metastasis
AK Walker, D Martelli, AI Ziegler, GW Lambert, SE Phillips, SJ Hill, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 99, 191-195, 2019
Comparable attenuation of sympathetic nervous system activity in obese subjects with normal glucose tolerance, impaired glucose tolerance, and treatment naïve type 2 diabetes …
NE Straznicky, MT Grima, CI Sari, EA Lambert, SE Phillips, N Eikelis, ...
Frontiers in physiology 7, 516, 2016
Effects of Moxonidine and Low‐Calorie Diet: Cardiometabolic Benefits from Combination of Both Therapies
EA Lambert, CI Sari, N Eikelis, SE Phillips, M Grima, NE Straznicky, ...
Obesity 25 (11), 1894-1902, 2017
Endothelial function in healthy young individuals is associated with dietary consumption of saturated fat
EA Lambert, S Phillips, R Belski, A Tursunalieva, N Eikelis, CI Sari, ...
Frontiers in physiology 8, 876, 2017
The effect of renal denervation on endothelial function and inflammatory markers in patients with resistant hypertension
N Eikelis, D Hering, P Marusic, C Sari, A Walton, S Phillips, E Lambert, ...
International journal of cardiology 188, 96-98, 2015
Arterial norepinephrine concentration is inversely and independently associated with insulin clearance in obese individuals with metabolic syndrome
NE Straznicky, MT Grima, EA Lambert, CI Sari, N Eikelis, PJ Nestel, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 100 (4), 1544-1550, 2015
Reduction in peripheral vascular resistance predicts improvement in insulin clearance following weight loss
NE Straznicky, MT Grima, CI Sari, EA Lambert, SE Phillips, N Eikelis, ...
Cardiovascular diabetology 14 (1), 113, 2015
Greater sympathoadrenal activation with longer preventilation intervals after immediate cord clamping increases hemodynamic lability at birth in preterm lambs
JJ Smolich, KR Kenna, MD Esler, SE Phillips, GW Lambert
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2017
Renal nerves contribute to hypertension in Schlager BPH/2J mice
C Gueguen, KL Jackson, FZ Marques, N Eikelis, S Phillips, ER Stevenson, ...
Hypertension Research 42 (3), 306-318, 2019
Muscle sympathetic nerve activity is associated with elements of the plasma lipidomic profile in young Asian adults
N Eikelis, EA Lambert, S Phillips, CI Sari, PA Mundra, JM Weir, K Huynh, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 102 (6), 2059-2068, 2017
Characteristics and physiological basis of falls in ventricular outputs after immediate cord clamping at delivery in preterm fetal lambs
JJ Smolich, KR Kenna, SE Phillips, JP Mynard, MMM Cheung, ...
The Journal of Physiology, 2021
Inverse association between sympathetic nervous system activity and bone mass in middle aged overweight individuals
E Lambert, S Phillips, A Tursunalieva, N Eikelis, C Sari, J Dixon, ...
Bone 111, 123-128, 2018
Neck circumference is associated with muscle sympathetic nerve activity in overweight and obese men but not women
NE Straznicky, MT Grima, CI Sari, N Eikelis, PJ Nestel, JB Dixon, ...
Frontiers in physiology 8, 203, 2017
Competencies and skill development in maternity care services in Victoria-A qualitative study
KL Edward, L Walpole, G Lambert, S Phillips, A Galletti, J Morrow, J Gow, ...
Nurse education in practice 39, 55-60, 2019
Does sympathetic dysfunction occur before denervation in pure autonomic failure?
L Guo, MD Esler, C Sari, S Phillips, EA Lambert, NE Straznicky, ...
Clinical Science 132 (1), 1-16, 2018
Blunted sympathoadrenal activation accompanies hemodynamic stability after early ventilation and delayed cord clamping at birth in preterm lambs
JJ Smolich, KR Kenna, JP Mynard, SE Phillips, GW Lambert
Pediatric research 86 (4), 478-484, 2019
The influence of hospital location and ‘level of care’on continuing professional development
K Edward, L Walpole, G Lambert, S Phillips, J Gow, J Morrow, M Huynh, ...
Nurse education in practice 41, 102634, 2019
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Articles 1–20