Kianoush Nazarpour
Kianoush Nazarpour
Professor of Digital Health, University of Edinburgh
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Combined influence of forearm orientation and muscular contraction on EMG pattern recognition
RN Khushaba, A Al-Timemy, S Kodagoda, K Nazarpour
Expert Systems with Applications 61, 154-161, 2016
Improved prosthetic hand control with concurrent use of myoelectric and inertial measurements
A Krasoulis, I Kyranou, MS Erden, K Nazarpour, S Vijayakumar
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 14 (1), 71, 2017
Deep learning-based artificial vision for grasp classification in myoelectric hands
G Ghazaei, A Alameer, P Degenaar, G Morgan, K Nazarpour
Journal of Neural Engineering 14 (3), 036025, 2017
Flexible cortical control of task-specific muscle synergies
K Nazarpour, A Barnard, A Jackson
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (36), 12349-12360, 2012
A note on the probability distribution function of the surface electromyogram signal
K Nazarpour, AH Al-Timemy, G Bugmann, A Jackson
Brain Research Bulletin 90, 88-91, 2013
Abstract and proportional myoelectric control for multi-fingered hand prostheses
T Pistohl, C Cipriani, A Jackson, K Nazarpour
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 41 (12), 2687-2698, 2013
Miniaturized Magnetic Sensors for Implantable Magnetomyography
S Zuo, H Heidari, D Farina, K Nazarpour
Advanced Materials Technologies 5 (6), 2070033, 2020
Application of higher order statistics to surface electromyogram signal classification
K Nazarpour, AR Sharafat, SMP Firoozabadi
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 54 (10), 1762-1769, 2007
Multi-grip classification-based prosthesis control with two EMG-IMU sensor
A Krasoulis, S Vijayakumar, K Nazarpour
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering 28 (2), 508-518, 2020
A comparison of coordination and its variability in lower extremity segments during treadmill and overground running at different speeds
A Abbasi, F Yazdanbakhsh, MK Tazji, PA Ataabadi, Z Svoboda, ...
Gait & posture 79, 139-144, 2020
Evaluation of regression methods for the continuous decoding of finger movement from surface EMG and accelerometry
A Krasoulis, S Vijayakumar, K Nazarpour
In 2015 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER …, 2015
Effect of user adaptation on prosthetic finger control with an intuitive myoelectric decoder
A Krasoulis, S Vijayakumar, K Nazarpour
Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 891, 2019
EMG-based hand gesture classification with long short-term memory deep recurrent neural networks
M Jabbari, RN Khushaba, K Nazarpour
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
Artificial Proprioceptive Feedback for Myoelectric Control
T Pistohl, D Joshi, G Ganesh, A Jackson, K Nazarpour
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 23 (3 …, 2015
Real-time estimation and biofeedback of single-neuron firing rates using local field potentials
TM Hall, K Nazarpour, A Jackson
Nature communications 5 (1), 5462, 2014
Ultrasensitive Magnetoelectric Sensing System for pico-Tesla MagnetoMyoGraphy
S Zuo, J Schmalz, MO Ozden, M Gerken, J Su, F Niekiel, F Lofink, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 14 (5), 971 - 984, 2020
Simultaneous preparation of multiple potential movements: opposing effects of spatial proximity mediated by premotor and parietal cortex
P Praamstra, D Kourtis, K Nazarpour
Journal of Neurophysiology 102 (4), 2084-2095, 2009
Myoelectric control with abstract decoders
M Dyson, J Barnes, K Nazarpour
Journal of Neural Engineering 15 (5), 056003, 2018
Surface EMG signal classification using a selective mix of higher order statistics
K Nazarpour, AR Sharafat, SMP Firoozabadi
2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 4208-4211, 2006
Decoding HD-EMG signals for myoelectric control-how small can the analysis window size be?
RN Khushaba, K Nazarpour
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (4), 8569-8574, 2021
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Articles 1–20