Alexander William Bray
Cited by
Cited by
Attosecond angular streaking and tunnelling time in atomic hydrogen
US Sainadh, H Xu, X Wang, A Atia-Tul-Noor, WC Wallace, N Douguet, ...
Nature 568, 75–77, 2019
Keldysh-Rutherford model for attoclock
AW Bray, S Eckart, AS Kheifets
Physical review letters 121 (12), 123201, 2018
Simulation of angular-resolved RABBITT measurements in noble-gas atoms
AW Bray, F Naseem, AS Kheifets
Physical Review A 97 (6), 063404, 2018
RABBITT phase transition across the ionization threshold
AS Kheifets, AW Bray
Physical Review A 103 (1), L011101, 2021
Convergent close-coupling approach to light and heavy projectile scattering on atomic and molecular hydrogen
I Bray, IB Abdurakhmanov, JJ Bailey, AW Bray, DV Fursa, AS Kadyrov, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50 (20), 202001, 2017
Quantum battles in attoscience: tunnelling
C Hofmann, A Bray, W Koch, H Ni, NI Shvetsov-Shilovski
The European Physical Journal D 75, 1-13, 2021
Near-threshold behavior of positronium-antiproton scattering
II Fabrikant, AW Bray, AS Kadyrov, I Bray
Physical Review A 94 (1), 012701, 2016
Numerical attoclock on atomic and molecular hydrogen
VV Serov, AW Bray, AS Kheifets
Physical Review A 99 (6), 063428, 2019
Separating dipole and quadrupole contributions to single-photon double-ionization
S Grundmann, F Trinter, AW Bray, S Eckart, J Rist, G Kastirke, D Metz, ...
Physical review letters 121 (17), 173003, 2018
Photoionization delays in xenon using single-shot referencing in the collinear back-focusing geometry
A Jain, T Gaumnitz, A Bray, A Kheifets, HJ Wörner
Optics Letters 43 (18), 4510-4513, 2018
Attosecond time delay in photoemission and electron scattering near threshold
AS Kheifets, AW Bray, I Bray
Physical review letters 117 (14), 143202, 2016
Near-threshold cross sections for electron and positron impact ionization of atomic hydrogen
I Bray, AW Bray, DV Fursa, AS Kadyrov
Physical Review Letters 121 (20), 203401, 2018
Photoionization of Xe and from the shell in RABBITT fields
AW Bray, F Naseem, AS Kheifets
Physical Review A 98 (4), 043427, 2018
Solving close-coupling equations in momentum space without singularities
AW Bray, IB Abdurakhmanov, AS Kadyrov, DV Fursa, I Bray
Computer Physics Communications 196, 276-279, 2015
Dissecting strong-field excitation dynamics with atomic-momentum spectroscopy
AW Bray, U Eichmann, S Patchkovskii
Physical Review Letters 124 (23), 233202, 2020
Solving close-coupling equations in momentum space without singularities II
AW Bray, IB Abdurakhmanov, AS Kadyrov, DV Fursa, I Bray
Computer Physics Communications 203, 147-151, 2016
Correlation enhancement of high-order harmonics generation in Xe
AW Bray, D Freeman, S Eckart, AS Kheifets
Physical Review A 100 (1), 013404, 2019
Solving close-coupling equations in momentum space without singularities for charged targets
AW Bray, IB Abdurakhmanov, AS Kadyrov, DV Fursa, I Bray
Computer Physics Communications 212, 55-58, 2017
Revealing the two-electron cusp in the ground states of He and via quasifree double photoionization
S Grundmann, VV Serov, F Trinter, K Fehre, N Strenger, A Pier, M Kircher, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033080, 2020
Calculations of electron scattering on H-like ions
I Bray, H Hayat, DV Fursa, AS Kadyrov, AW Bray, M Cytowski
Physical Review A 101 (2), 022703, 2020
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Articles 1–20