Charles Warren
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Cited by
Mesophyll diffusion conductance to CO2: an unappreciated central player in photosynthesis
J Flexas, MM Barbour, O Brendel, HM Cabrera, M Carriquí, A Díaz-Espejo, ...
Plant Science 193, 70-84, 2012
Water availability and carbon isotope discrimination in conifers
CR Warren, JF McGrath, MA Adams
Oecologia 127, 476-486, 2001
Role of mesophyll diffusion conductance in constraining potential photosynthetic productivity in the field
Ü Niinemets, A Díaz-Espejo, J Flexas, J Galmes, CR Warren
Journal of experimental botany 60 (8), 2249-2270, 2009
Stand aside stomata, another actor deserves centre stage: the forgotten role of the internal conductance to CO2 transfer
CR Warren
Journal of experimental botany 59 (7), 1475-1487, 2008
Temperature response of photosynthesis and internal conductance to CO2: results from two independent approaches
CR Warren, E Dreyer
Journal of Experimental Botany 57 (12), 3057-3067, 2006
Internal conductance does not scale with photosynthetic capacity: implications for carbon isotope discrimination and the economics of water and nitrogen use in photosynthesis
CR Warren, MA Adams
Plant, Cell & Environment 29 (2), 192-201, 2006
Photosynthesis-Rubisco relationships in foliage of Pinus sylvestris in response to nitrogen supply and the proposed role of Rubisco and amino acids as nitrogen …
CR Warren, E Dreyer, MA Adams
Trees 17, 359-366, 2003
Rapid measurement of chlorophylls with a microplate reader
CR Warren
Journal of Plant Nutrition 31 (7), 1321-1332, 2008
Distribution of N, Rubisco and photosynthesis in Pinus pinaster and acclimation to light
CR Warren, MA Adams
Plant, Cell & Environment 24 (6), 597-609, 2001
Evergreen trees do not maximize instantaneous photosynthesis
CR Warren, MA Adams
Trends in plant science 9 (6), 270-274, 2004
Variability in mesophyll conductance between barley genotypes, and effects on transpiration efficiency and carbon isotope discrimination
MM Barbour, CR Warren, GD Farquhar, GUY Forrester, H Brown
Plant, Cell & Environment 33 (7), 1176-1185, 2010
Response of osmolytes in soil to drying and rewetting
CR Warren
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 70, 22-32, 2014
Responses to water stress of gas exchange and metabolites in Eucalyptus and Acacia spp.
CR Warren, I Aranda, FJ Cano
Plant, Cell & Environment 34 (10), 1609-1629, 2011
Transfer conductance in second growth Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.)Franco) canopies
CR Warren, GJ Ethier, NJ Livingston, NJ Grant, DH Turpin, DL Harrison, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 26 (8), 1215-1227, 2003
How does P affect photosynthesis and metabolite profiles of Eucalyptus globulus?
CR Warren
Tree physiology 31 (7), 727-739, 2011
Phosphorus affects growth and partitioning of nitrogen to Rubisco in Pinus pinaster
CR Warren, MA Adams
Tree Physiology 22 (1), 11-19, 2002
Is photosynthesis related to concentrations of nitrogen and Rubisco in leaves of Australian native plants?
CR Warren, MA Adams, ZL Chen
Functional Plant Biology 27 (5), 407-416, 2000
Effect of thinning, pruning and nitrogen fertiliser application on transpiration, photosynthesis and water-use efficiency in a young Eucalyptus nitens plantation
DI Forrester, JJ Collopy, CL Beadle, CR Warren, TG Baker
Forest Ecology and Management 266, 286-300, 2012
Estimating the internal conductance to CO2 movement
C Warren
Functional Plant Biology 33 (5), 431-442, 2006
The photosynthetic limitation posed by internal conductance to CO2 movement is increased by nutrient supply
CR Warren
Journal of Experimental Botany 55 (406), 2313-2321, 2004
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Articles 1–20