Ye Lu
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Cited by
Guided Lamb waves for identification of damage in composite structures: A review
Z Su, L Ye, Y Lu
Journal of sound and vibration 295 (3-5), 753-780, 2006
Quantitative assessment of through-thickness crack size based on Lamb wave scattering in aluminium plates
Y Lu, L Ye, Z Su, C Yang
Ndt & E International 41 (1), 59-68, 2008
Functionalized composite structures for new generation airframes: a review
L Ye, Y Lu, Z Su, G Meng
Composites Science and Technology 65 (9), 1436-1446, 2005
Concrete crack detection with handwriting script interferences using faster region‐based convolutional neural network
J Deng, Y Lu, VCS Lee
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 35 (4), 373-388, 2020
Crack identification in aluminium plates using Lamb wave signals of a PZT sensor network
Y Lu, L Ye, Z Su
Smart Materials and Structures 15 (3), 839, 2006
Probabilistic damage identification based on correlation analysis using guided wave signals in aluminum plates
D Wang, L Ye, Z Su, Y Lu, F Li, G Meng
Structural Health Monitoring 9 (2), 133-144, 2010
Probability of the presence of damage estimated from an active sensor network in a composite panel of multiple stiffeners
D Wang, L Ye, Y Lu, Z Su
Composites Science and Technology 69 (13), 2054-2063, 2009
Locating fatigue damage using temporal signal features of nonlinear Lamb waves
M Hong, Z Su, Y Lu, H Sohn, X Qing
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 60, 182-197, 2015
Guided waves for damage identification in pipeline structures: A review
R Guan, Y Lu, W Duan, X Wang
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 24 (11), e2007, 2017
Review on computer vision-based crack detection and quantification methodologies for civil structures
J Deng, A Singh, Y Zhou, Y Lu, VCS Lee
Construction and Building Materials 356, 129238, 2022
Artificial neural network (ANN)-based crack identification in aluminum plates with Lamb wave signals
Y Lu, L Ye, Z Su, L Zhou, L Cheng
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 20 (1), 39-49, 2009
Assessment of debonding in sandwich CF/EP composite beams using A 0 Lamb wave at low frequency
S Mustapha, L Ye, D Wang, Y Lu
Composite Structures 93 (2), 483-491, 2011
Imaging-based crack detection on concrete surfaces using You Only Look Once network
J Deng, Y Lu, VCS Lee
Structural Health Monitoring 20 (2), 484-499, 2021
Guided waves for damage detection in rebar-reinforced concrete beams
Y Lu, J Li, L Ye, D Wang
Construction and Building Materials 47, 370-378, 2013
Quantitative evaluation of crack orientation in aluminium plates based on Lamb waves
Y Lu, L Ye, Z Su, N Huang
Smart Materials and Structures 16 (5), 1907, 2007
Damage detection in rebar-reinforced concrete beams based on time reversal of guided waves
S Mustapha, Y Lu, J Li, L Ye
Structural Health Monitoring 13 (4), 347-358, 2014
A damage diagnostic imaging algorithm based on the quantitative comparison of Lamb wave signals
D Wang, L Ye, Y Lu, F Li
Smart materials and structures 19 (6), 065008, 2010
Artificial neural network based mechanical and electrical property prediction of engineered cementitious composites
L Shi, STK Lin, Y Lu, L Ye, YX Zhang
Construction and Building Materials 174, 667-674, 2018
Fatigue crack detection in pipes with multiple mode nonlinear guided waves
R Guan, Y Lu, K Wang, Z Su
Structural Health Monitoring 18 (1), 180-192, 2019
Nonlinear Lamb waves for fatigue damage identification in FRP-reinforced steel plates
Y Wang, R Guan, Y Lu
Ultrasonics 80, 87-95, 2017
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Articles 1–20