Shiladitya Sengupta
Shiladitya Sengupta
Asst. Prof., Dept. of Physics, IIT Roorkee
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Breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation in two, three, and four dimensions
S Sengupta, S Karmakar, C Dasgupta, S Sastry
The Journal of chemical physics 138 (12), 12A548, 2013
Dependence of the fragility of a glass former on the softness of interparticle interactions
S Sengupta, F Vasconcelos, F Affouard, S Sastry
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (19), 194503, 2011
Role of Structure and Entropy in Determining Differences in Dynamics for Glass Formers with Different Interaction Potentials
A Banerjee, S Sengupta, S Sastry, SM Bhattacharyya
Physical review letters 113 (22), 225701, 2014
Adam-Gibbs Relation for Glass-Forming Liquids in Two, Three, and Four Dimensions
S Sengupta, S Karmakar, C Dasgupta, S Sastry
Physical Review Letters 109 (9), 095705, 2012
Distribution of diffusion constants and Stokes-Einstein violation in supercooled liquids
S Sengupta, S Karmakar
The Journal of chemical physics 140 (22), 224505, 2014
Length-Scale Dependence of the Stokes-Einstein and Adam-Gibbs Relations in Model Glass Formers
ADS Parmar, S Sengupta, S Sastry
Physical Review Letters 119 (5), 056001, 2017
Glass Transition in Supercooled Liquids with Medium-Range Crystalline Order
I Tah, S Sengupta, S Sastry, C Dasgupta, S Karmakar
Physical Review Letters 121 (8), 085703, 2018
Emergent solidity of amorphous materials as a consequence of mechanical self-organisation
H Tong, S Sengupta, H Tanaka
Nature communications 11 (1), 4863, 2020
What Determines the Static Force Chains in Stressed Granular Media?
O Gendelman, YG Pollack, I Procaccia, S Sengupta, J Zylberg
Physical Review Letters 116 (7), 078001, 2016
Unraveling the success and failure of mode coupling theory from consideration of entropy
MK Nandi, A Banerjee, S Sengupta, S Sastry, SM Bhattacharyya
The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (17), 174504, 2015
Nesting of thermodynamic, structural, and dynamic anomalies in liquid silicon
VV Vasisht, J Mathew, S Sengupta, S Sastry
The Journal of chemical physics 141 (12), 124501, 2014
Density-temperature scaling of the fragility in a model glass-former
S Sengupta, TB Schrøder, S Sastry
The European Physical Journal E 36 (12), 1-11, 2013
Diffusivity anomaly in modified Stillinger-Weber liquids
S Sengupta, VV Vasisht, S Sastry
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (4), 044503, 2014
Thermodynamics and its correlation with dynamics in a mean-field model and pinned systems: A comparative study using two different methods of entropy calculation.
UK Nandi, P Patel, M Moid, MK Nandi, S Sengupta, S Karmakar, PK Maiti, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (1), 014503, 2021
Investigations of the role of spatial dimensionality and interparticle interactions in model glass-formers
S Sengupta
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, 2013
Soft Matrix: Extracting Inherent Length Scales in Sheared Amorphous Solids
M Adhikari, P Chaudhuri, S Karmakar, VV Krishnan, N Pingua, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.04917, 2023
Power law relationship between diffusion coefficients in multi-component glass forming liquids
ADS Parmar, S Sengupta, S Sastry
Eur. Phys. J. E 41, 90, 2018
Gendelman et al. Reply
O Gendelman, YG Pollack, I Procaccia, S Sengupta, J Zylberg
Physical Review Letters 117 (15), 159802, 2016
Is the glassy dynamics same in 2D as in 3D? The Adam Gibbs relation test
S Nath, S Sengupta
The Journal of Chemical Physics 161 (3), 2024
Force network and mechanical stability in an ageing 2D glass
S Sengupta, H Tanaka
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, L60. 176, 2018
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Articles 1–20