Showybul Islam Shakib
Showybul Islam Shakib
UNSW, Sydney
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Cited by
A frequency adaptive phase shift modulation control based LLC series resonant converter for wide input voltage applications
SMSI Shakib, S Mekhilef
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (11), 8360-8370, 2016
Discrete space vector modulation-based model predictive torque control with no suboptimization
I Osman, D Xiao, KS Alam, SMSI Shakib, MP Akter, MF Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (10), 8164-8174, 2019
Low complexity model predictive flux control for three-level neutral-point clamped inverter-fed induction motor drives without weighting factor
D Xiao, KS Alam, I Osman, MP Akter, SMSI Shakib, MF Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56 (6), 6496-6506, 2020
Dual bridge LLC resonant converter with frequency adaptive phase-shift modulation control for wide voltage gain range
SMSI Shakib, S Mekhilef, M Nakaoka
2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2265-2271, 2017
Lyapunov-function based predictive approach for load voltage control of four-leg inverter with an output LC filter
KS Alam, MP Akter, SMSI Shakib, D Xiao, D Zhang, MF Rahman
2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 6880-6885, 2018
Modulated model predictive control for four-leg inverters with online duty ratio optimization
D Xiao, KS Alam, MP Akter, SMSI Shakib, D Zhang, MF Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56 (3), 3114-3124, 2020
An analytical approach to direct torque and flux control of interior permanent magnet synchronous machine for deep field weakening without using pre-calculated lookup tables
SMSI Shakib, D Xiao, R Dutta, KS Alam, I Osman, MF Rahman, MP Akter
2019 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE …, 2019
An optimal maximum torque per active flux and field weakening operation for deadbeat direct torque control based IPMSM drive
SMSI Shakib, D Xiao, R Dutta, MF Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023
Predictive load voltage control for four-leg inverter with fixed switching frequency
KS Alam, D Xiao, MP Akter, SMSI Shakib, MF Rahman
2019 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES), 1-6, 2019
An improved modulated model predictive torque and flux control for high-speed IPMSM drives
SMSI Shakib, D Xiao, R Dutta, KS Alam, I Osman, MF Rahman
2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 6601-6607, 2019
Model-predictive flux control of 3L-NPC fed induction motor drives with stator flux error based two-Stage optimization
I Osman, D Xiao, SM Showybul, I Shakib, MF Rahman
2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 5450-5457, 2018
Online deadbeat predictive direct torque and active flux control for IPMSM drive
SMSI Shakib, D Xiao, R Dutta, MF Rahman
2022 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Himeji 2022-ECCE Asia …, 2022
Deadbeat Predictive Direct Torque and Active Flux Control with Disturbance Observer
SMSI Shakib, D Xiao, R Dutta, MF Rahman
IECON 2021–47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2021
Zero-Voltage Switching Bi-Directional Isolated LLC Resonant DC/DC Converter for Wide Voltage Gain and Load Range
SMSI Shakib
PQDT-Global, 2017
Zero-voltage switching bi-directional isolated LLC resonant DC/DC converter for wide voltage gain and load range/SM Showybul Islam Shakib
IS SM Showybul
University of Malaya, 2017
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Articles 1–15