Alexandre Wadoux
Alexandre Wadoux
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, INRAE
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Cited by
Machine learning for digital soil mapping: Applications, challenges and suggested solutions
AMJC Wadoux, B Minasny, AB McBratney
Earth-Science Reviews 210, 103359, 2020
Spatial cross-validation is not the right way to evaluate map accuracy
AMJC Wadoux, GBM Heuvelink, S De Bruin, DJ Brus
Ecological Modelling 457, 109692, 2021
Sampling design optimization for soil mapping with random forest
AMJC Wadoux, DJ Brus, GBM Heuvelink
Geoderma 355, 113913, 2019
Multi-source data integration for soil mapping using deep learning
AMJC Wadoux, J Padarian, M Budiman
Soil 5 (1), 107-119, 2019
Using deep learning for multivariate mapping of soil with quantified uncertainty
AMJC Wadoux
Geoderma 351, 59-70, 2019
A note on knowledge discovery and machine learning in digital soil mapping
AMJC Wadoux, A Samuel‐Rosa, L Poggio, VL Mulder
European Journal of Soil Science 71 (2), 133-136, 2020
Incorporating limited field operability and legacy soil samples in a hypercube sampling design for digital soil mapping
F Stumpf, K Schmidt, T Behrens, S Schönbrodt‐Stitt, G Buzzo, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179 (4), 499-509, 2016
Ten challenges for the future of pedometrics
AMJC Wadoux, GBM Heuvelink, RM Lark, P Lagacherie, J Bouma, ...
Geoderma 401, 115155, 2021
Dealing with clustered samples for assessing map accuracy by cross-validation
S De Bruin, DJ Brus, GBM Heuvelink, T van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen, ...
Ecological Informatics 69, 101665, 2022
Robust soil mapping at the farm scale with vis–NIR spectroscopy
L Ramirez‐Lopez, AMJC Wadoux, MHD Franceschini, FS Terra, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 70 (2), 378-393, 2019
Uncertainty-guided sampling to improve digital soil maps
F Stumpf, K Schmidt, P Goebes, T Behrens, S Schönbrodt-Stitt, A Wadoux, ...
Catena 153, 30-38, 2017
Precocious 19th century soil carbon science
B Minasny, AB McBratney, MJCW Alexandre, EN Akoeb, T Sabrina
Package ‘resemble’
L Ramirez-Lopez, A Stevens, RV Rossel, C Lobsey, A Wadoux, T Breure, 2020
Perspectives on data‐driven soil research
AMJC Wadoux, M Román‐Dobarco, AB McBratney
European Journal of Soil Science 72 (4), 1675-1689, 2021
Soil Spectral Inference with R: Analysing Digital Soil Spectra Using the R Programming Environment
AMJC Wadoux, B Malone, B Minasny, M Fajardo, AB McBratney
Springer Nature, 2021
A proposal for the assessment of soil security: Soil functions, soil services and threats to soil
SJ Evangelista, DJ Field, AB McBratney, B Minasny, W Ng, J Padarian, ...
Soil Security 10, 100086, 2023
Beyond prediction: methods for interpreting complex models of soil variation
AMJC Wadoux, C Molnar
Geoderma 422, 115953, 2022
Sampling design optimisation for rainfall prediction using a non-stationary geostatistical model
AMJC Wadoux, DJ Brus, MA Rico-Ramirez, GBM Heuvelink
Advances in water resources 107, 126-138, 2017
Accounting for non-stationary variance in geostatistical mapping of soil properties
AMJC Wadoux, DJ Brus, GBM Heuvelink
Geoderma 324, 138-147, 2018
Hypotheses, machine learning and soil mapping
AMJC Wadoux, AB McBratney
Geoderma 383, 114725, 2021
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Articles 1–20