Siddharth Krishnan
Siddharth Krishnan
Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston Children's Hospital
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Cited by
Bio-integrated wearable systems: a comprehensive review
TR Ray, J Choi, AJ Bandodkar, S Krishnan, P Gutruf, L Tian, R Ghaffari, ...
Chemical reviews 119 (8), 5461-5533, 2019
Battery-free, skin-interfaced microfluidic/electronic systems for simultaneous electrochemical, colorimetric, and volumetric analysis of sweat
AJ Bandodkar, P Gutruf, J Choi, KH Lee, Y Sekine, JT Reeder, WJ Jeang, ...
Science advances 5 (1), eaav3294, 2019
Waterproof, electronics-enabled, epidermal microfluidic devices for sweat collection, biomarker analysis, and thermography in aquatic settings
JT Reeder, J Choi, Y Xue, P Gutruf, J Hanson, M Liu, T Ray, ...
Science Advances 5 (1), eaau6356, 2019
Epidermal devices for noninvasive, precise, and continuous mapping of macrovascular and microvascular blood flow
RC Webb, Y Ma, S Krishnan, Li, Y. Yoon, X S. Guo, X Feng, Y Shi, ...
Science Advances 1 (9), e1500701, 2015
Fully implantable optoelectronic systems for battery-free, multimodal operation in neuroscience research
P Gutruf, V Krishnamurthi, A Vázquez-Guardado, Z Xie, A Banks, CJ Su, ...
Nature Electronics 1 (12), 652-660, 2018
Battery-free, fully implantable optofluidic cuff system for wireless optogenetic and pharmacological neuromodulation of peripheral nerves
Y Zhang, AD Mickle, P Gutruf, LA McIlvried, H Guo, Y Wu, JP Golden, ...
Science advances 5 (7), eaaw5296, 2019
An on-skin platform for wireless monitoring of flow rate, cumulative loss and temperature of sweat in real time
K Kwon, JU Kim, Y Deng, SR Krishnan, J Choi, H Jang, KH Lee, CJ Su, ...
Nature Electronics 4 (4), 302-312, 2021
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Epidermal Heat Flux Sensors for Measurements of Core Body Temperature
Y Zhang, RC Webb, H Luo, Y Xue, J Kurniawan, NH Cho, S Krishnan, Y Li, ...
Advanced Healthcare Materials 5 (1), 119-127, 2016
Flexible and Stretchable 3ω Sensors for Thermal Characterization of Human Skin
L Tian, Y Li, RC Webb, S Krishnan, Z Bian, J Song, X Ning, K Crawford, ...
Advanced Functional Materials, 2017
Wireless, battery‐free epidermal electronics for continuous, quantitative, multimodal thermal characterization of skin
SR Krishnan, CJ Su, Z Xie, M Patel, SR Madhvapathy, Y Xu, J Freudman, ...
Small 14 (47), 1803192, 2018
Resettable skin interfaced microfluidic sweat collection devices with chemesthetic hydration feedback
J Reeder, Y Xue, D Franklin, Y Deng, J Choi, O Prado, R Kim, C Liu, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 1-12, 2019
Soft, bioresorbable coolers for reversible conduction block of peripheral nerves
JT Reeder, Z Xie, Q Yang, MH Seo, Y Yan, Y Deng, KR Jinkins, ...
Science 377 (6601), 109-115, 2022
Epidermal electronics for noninvasive, wireless, quantitative assessment of ventricular shunt function in patients with hydrocephalus
SR Krishnan, TR Ray, AB Ayer, Y Ma, P Gutruf, KH Lee, JY Lee, C Wei, ...
Science translational medicine 10 (465), eaat8437, 2018
Multimodal epidermal devices for hydration monitoring
S Krishnan, Y Shi, RC Webb, Y Ma, P Bastien, KE Crawford, A Wang, ...
Microsystems and Nanoengineering 3 (17014), 2017
Epidermal electronic systems for measuring the thermal properties of human skin at depths of up to several millimeters
SR Madhvapathy, Y Ma, M Patel, S Krishnan, C Wei, Y Li, S Xu, X Feng, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (34), 1802083, 2018
Continuous, noninvasive wireless monitoring of flow of cerebrospinal fluid through shunts in patients with hydrocephalus
SR Krishnan, HM Arafa, K Kwon, Y Deng, CJ Su, JT Reeder, J Freudman, ...
NPJ digital medicine 3 (1), 29, 2020
Wireless, battery-free implants for electrochemical catecholamine sensing and optogenetic stimulation
T Stuart, WJ Jeang, RA Slivicki, BJ Brown, A Burton, VE Brings, ...
ACS nano 17 (1), 561-574, 2022
Advanced approaches for quantitative characterization of thermal transport properties in soft materials using thin, conformable resistive sensors
KE Crawford, Y Ma, S Krishnan, C Wei, D Capua, Y Xue, S Xu, Z Xie, ...
Extreme Mechanics Letters 22, 27-35, 2018
An Approach to Thermocouple Measurements That Reduces Uncertainties in High-Temperature Environments
S Krishnan, BM Kumfer, W Wu, J Li, A Nehorai, RL Axelbaum
Energy and Fuels 29 (5), 3446-3455, 2015
Thermal Transport Characteristics of Human Skin Measured In Vivo Using Thermal Elements
JA Rogers, RC Webb, S Krishnan, G Balooch, RM Pielak
US Patent App. 15/515,494, 2017
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Articles 1–20