Joao Vieira da Cunha
Joao Vieira da Cunha
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Organizational improvisation: what, when, how, and why
MP Cunha, JV Cunha, K Kamoche
International journal of management reviews 1 (3), 299-341, 1999
Management paradoxes: A relational view
SR Clegg, JV da Cunha, MP e Cunha
Human relations 55 (5), 483-503, 2002
Time and organizational improvisation
M Crossan, MPE Cunha, D Vera, J Cunha
Academy of Management Review 30 (1), 129-145, 2005
Towards a theory of organizational improvisation: Looking beyond the jazz metaphor
K Kamoche, MP e Cunha, JV da Cunha
The Aesthetic Turn in Management, 425-453, 2017
Towards a complexity theory of strategy
JV Cunha
Management Decision 44 (7), 839-850, 2006
Performing catharsis: The use of online discussion forums in organizational change
JV Da Cunha, WJ Orlikowski
Information and Organization 18 (2), 132-156, 2008
Organizational control in the context of remote working: A synthesis of empirical findings and a research agenda
T Pianese, L Errichiello, JV da Cunha
European Management Review 20 (2), 326-345, 2023
Tradução e validação para a língua portuguesa das escalas de presentismo WLQ-8 E SPS-6
AI Ferreira, LF Martinez, LM Sousa, JV da Cunha
Avaliação Psicológica 9 (2), 253-266, 2010
Organizational improvisation and change: two syntheses and a filled gap
M Pina E. Cunha, J Vieira Da Cunha
Journal of Organizational Change Management 16 (2), 169-185, 2003
Charismatic leadership: A study on delivery styles, mood, and performance
A Sacavém, LF Martinez, JV Da Cunha, AM Abreu, SK Johnson
Journal of Leadership Studies 11 (3), 21-38, 2017
A esperança é a última a morrer?: Capital psicológico positivo e presentismo1
LF Martinez, AI Ferreira, LM Sousa, JV Cunha
Comportamento organizacional e gestão 13 (1), 37-54, 2007
Middle managers and corruptive routine translation: The social production of deceptive performance
NA den Nieuwenboer, JV Cunha, LK Treviño
Organization Science 28 (5), 781-803, 2017
A dramaturgical model of the production of performance data
JV Da Cunha
Mis Quarterly, 723-748, 2013
Management, paradox, and permanent dialectics
JV Da Cunha, SR Clegg, MP e Cunha
Advances in Organization Studies 9, 11-40, 2002
Managing improvisation in cross cultural virtual teams
MP e Cunha, JV Da Cunha
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1 (2), 187-208, 2001
Improvisational bricolage: A practice-based approach to strategy and foresight
MP e Cunha, JV Da Cunha, SR Clegg
Handbook of research on strategy and foresight, 2009
The dark side of computer‐mediated control
J Vieira da Cunha, A Carugati, A Leclercq‐Vandelannoitte
Information Systems Journal 25 (4), 319-354, 2015
Looking for Complication: Four Approaches to Management Education———
MP e Cunha, JV da Cunha, C Cabral-Cardoso
Journal of Management Education 28 (1), 88-103, 2004
Brave new (paradoxical) world: structure and improvisation in virtual teams.
J Vieira Da Cunha, M Pina e Cunha
Strategic change 10 (6), 2001
Ecocentric management: an update
MP Cunha, A Rego, J Vieira da Cunha
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 15 (6), 311-321, 2008
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Articles 1–20