Khaled El Emam
Khaled El Emam
CHEO Research Institute / University of Ottawa
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Preliminary guidelines for empirical research in software engineering
BA Kitchenham, SL Pfleeger, LM Pickard, PW Jones, DC Hoaglin, ...
IEEE Transactions on software engineering 28 (8), 721-734, 2002
A replicated survey of IT software project failures
K El Emam, AG Koru
IEEE software 25 (5), 84-90, 2008
The confounding effect of class size on the validity of object-oriented metrics
K El Emam, S Benlarbi, N Goel, SN Rai
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 27 (7), 630-650, 2001
The prediction of faulty classes using object-oriented design metrics
K El Emam, W Melo, JC Machado
Journal of systems and software 56 (1), 63-75, 2001
A systematic review of re-identification attacks on health data
K El Emam, E Jonker, L Arbuckle, B Malin
PloS one 6 (12), e28071, 2011
SPICE: The theory and practice of software process improvement and capability determination
KE Emam
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997
Protecting privacy using k-anonymity
K El Emam, FK Dankar
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 15 (5), 627-637, 2008
An assessment and comparison of common software cost estimation modeling techniques
LC Briand, K El Emam, D Surmann, I Wieczorek, KD Maxwell
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Software engineering …, 1999
Software cost estimation with incomplete data
K Strike, K El Emam, N Madhavji
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 27 (10), 890-908, 2001
A globally optimal k-anonymity method for the de-identification of health data
K El Emam, FK Dankar, R Issa, E Jonker, D Amyot, E Cogo, JP Corriveau, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 16 (5), 670-682, 2009
Who’s using PDAs? Estimates of PDA use by health care providers: a systematic review of surveys
C Garritty, K El Emam
Journal of medical Internet research 8 (2), e510, 2006
On the application of measurement theory in software engineering
L Briand, KE Emam, S Morasca
Empirical Software Engineering 1, 61-88, 1996
“Not all my friends need to know”: a qualitative study of teenage patients, privacy, and social media
M Van Der Velden, K El Emam
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 (1), 16-24, 2013
Anonymising and sharing individual patient data
K El Emam, S Rodgers, B Malin
bmj 350, 2015
COBRA: a hybrid method for software cost estimation, benchmarking, and risk assessment
LC Briand, K El Emam, F Bomarius
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Software engineering …, 1998
A field study of requirements engineering practices in information systems development
K El Emam, NH Madhavji
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering …, 1995
Practicing differential privacy in health care: A review.
FK Dankar, K El Emam
Trans. Data Priv. 6 (1), 35-67, 2013
A comprehensive evaluation of capture-recapture models for estimating software defect content
LC Briand, K El Emam, BG Freimut, O Laitenberger
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 26 (6), 518-540, 2000
Prepublication data sharing
Toronto International Data Release Workshop Authors
Nature 461 (7261), 168-170, 2009
Anonymizing health data: case studies and methods to get you started
K El Emam, L Arbuckle
" O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2013
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Articles 1–20