Pierryves Padey
Pierryves Padey
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Cited by
Analysis of space heating demand in the Swiss residential building stock: Element-based bottom-up model of archetype buildings
KN Streicher, P Padey, D Parra, MC Bürer, S Schneider, MK Patel
Energy and Buildings 184, 300-322, 2019
Uncertainty of building elements’ service lives in building LCA & LCC: What matters?
K Goulouti, P Padey, A Galimshina, G Habert, S Lasvaux
Building and Environment 183, 106904, 2020
From LCAs to simplified models: a generic methodology applied to wind power electricity
P Padey, R Girard, D Le Boulch, I Blanc
Environmental science & technology 47 (3), 1231-1238, 2013
Assessment of the current thermal performance level of the Swiss residential building stock: Statistical analysis of energy performance certificates
KN Streicher, P Padey, D Parra, MC Bürer, MK Patel
Energy and buildings 178, 360-378, 2018
What is the optimal robust environmental and cost-effective solution for building renovation? Not the usual one
A Galimshina, M Moustapha, A Hollberg, P Padey, S Lasvaux, B Sudret, ...
Energy and Buildings 251, 111329, 2021
A simplified life cycle approach for assessing greenhouse gas emissions of wind electricity
P Padey, I Blanc, D Le Boulch, Z Xiusheng
Journal of Industrial Ecology 16, S28-S38, 2012
Statistical method to identify robust building renovation choices for environmental and economic performance
A Galimshina, M Moustapha, A Hollberg, P Padey, S Lasvaux, B Sudret, ...
Building and Environment 183, 107143, 2020
A simplified model for the estimation of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of enhanced geothermal systems
M Lacirignola, BH Meany, P Padey, I Blanc
Geothermal energy 2, 1-19, 2014
Bio-based materials as a robust solution for building renovation: A case study
A Galimshina, M Moustapha, A Hollberg, P Padey, S Lasvaux, B Sudret, ...
Applied Energy 316, 119102, 2022
Environmental impacts of solar thermal systems with life cycle assessment
A De Laborderie, C Puech, N Adra, I Blanc, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, ...
World Renewable Energy Congress-Sweden 57 (14), 3678-3685-ISBN 978-91-7393-070-3, 2011
A stochastic approach to LCA of internal insulation solutions for historic buildings
E Di Giuseppe, M D’Orazio, G Du, C Favi, S Lasvaux, G Maracchini, ...
Sustainability 12 (4), 1535, 2020
Probabilistic LCA and LCC to identify robust and reliable renovation strategies
A Galimshina, A Hollberg, M Moustapha, B Sudret, D Favre, P Padey, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 323 (1), 012058, 2019
Dataset of service life data for 100 building elements and technical systems including their descriptive statistics and fitting to lognormal distribution
K Goulouti, D Favre, M Giorgi, P Padey, A Galimshina, G Habert, ...
Data in brief 36, 107062, 2021
Considering the dynamics of electricity demand and production for the environmental benchmark of Swiss residential buildings that exclusively use electricity
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, P Padey, B Périsset, V Medici
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 323 (1), 012096, 2019
Modèles simplifiés d’Analyse de Cycle de Vie: cadre méthodologique et applications aux filières de conversion d’énergie
P Padey
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2013
Understanding LCA results variability: developing global sensitivity analysis with Sobol indices. A first application to photovoltaic systems
P Padey, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, R Girard, D Le Boulch, I Blanc
International Symposium on Life Cycle ssessment and Construction Civil …, 2012
Robust and resilient renovation solutions in different climate change scenarios
A Galimshina, M Moustapha, A Hollberg, P Padey, S Lasvaux, B Sudret, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 588 (3), 032042, 2020
DUREE Project, Analysis of lifetimes of building elements in the literature and in renovation practices and sensitivity analyses on building LCA & LCC
S Lasvaux, M Giorgi, J Lesage, G Wagner, D Favre, P Padey, B Périsset, ...
no. October, 2019
Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings-State of the art on historic building insulation materials and retrofit strategies
A Blumberga, K Kašs, E Kamendere, G Žogla, A Kamenders, ...
EcoDynElec: Open Python package to create historical profiles of environmental impacts from regional electricity mixes
F Lédée, P Padey, K Goulouti, S Lasvaux, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre
SoftwareX 23, 101485, 2023
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Articles 1–20