james shortle
Cited by
Cited by
The relative efficiency of agricultural source water pollution control policies
JS Shortle, JW Dunn
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 68 (3), 668-677, 1986
The economics of nonpoint pollution control
JS Shortle, RD Horan
Journal of Economic Surveys 15 (3), 255-289, 2002
Reforming Agricultural Nonpoint Pollution Policy in an Increasingly Budget-Constrained Environment
JS Shortle, M Ribaudo, RD Horan, D Blandford
Environmental science & technology 46 (3), 1316-1325, 2012
David G. Abler y Mark Ribaudo,“Agriculture and water quality: the issues”
JS Shortle, JW Dunn
Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control, Wallingford y …, 2001
Ambient taxes when polluters have multiple choices
RD Horan, JS Shortle, DG Abler
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 36 (2), 186-199, 1998
Economic instruments and environmental policy in agriculture
A Weersink, J Livernois, JF Shogren, JS Shortle
Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, 309-327, 1998
Research issues in nonpoint pollution control
JS Shortle, DG Abler, RD Horan
Environmental and Resource Economics 11 (3), 571-585, 1998
Economics and environmental markets: lessons from water-quality trading
J Shortle
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 42 (1), 57-74, 2013
Environmental policies for agricultural pollution control
JS Shortle, DG Abler
CABI, 2001
Parameter uncertainty in CGE modeling of the environmental impacts of economic policies
DG Abler, AG Rodriguez, JS Shortle
Environmental and Resource Economics 14 (1), 75-94, 1999
When two wrongs make a right: second‐best point‐nonpoint trading ratios
RD Horan, JS Shortle
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87 (2), 340-352, 2005
Environmental and Farm Commodity Policy Linkages in the US and the EC
DG Abler, JS Shortle
European Review of Agricultural Economics 19 (2), 197-217, 1992
The allocative efficiency implications of water pollution abatement cost comparisons
JS Shortle
Water Resources Research 26 (5), 793-797, 1990
Advancing the sustainability of US agriculture through long‐term research
PJA Kleinman, S Spiegal, JR Rigby, SC Goslee, JM Baker, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 47 (6), 1412-1425, 2018
Construct validity of averting cost measures of environmental benefits
AS Laughland, WN Musser, JS Shortle, LM Musser
Land Economics, 100-112, 1996
Policy instruments for water quality protection
J Shortle, RD Horan
Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ. 5 (1), 111-138, 2013
Agglomeration bonus in small and large local networks: A laboratory examination of spatial coordination
S Banerjee, AM Kwasnica, JS Shortle
Ecological Economics 84, 142-152, 2012
Economic and Ecological Rules for Water Quality Trading1
RD Horan, JS Shortle
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47 (1), 59-69, 2010
Economic and environmental modelling for pollution control in an estuary
N Hanley, R Faichney, A Munro, JS Shortle
Journal of Environmental management 52 (3), 211-225, 1998
Nonpoint pollution
JS Shortle, DG Abler
The international yearbook of environmental and resource economics 1998, 114-155, 1997
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Articles 1–20