Gabrielle Adams
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Cited by
When cheating would make you a cheater: implicating the self prevents unethical behavior.
CJ Bryan, GS Adams, B Monin
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (4), 1001, 2013
People systematically overlook subtractive changes
GS Adams, BA Converse, AH Hales, LE Klotz
Nature 592 (7853), 258-261, 2021
Money can’t buy love: Asymmetric beliefs about gift price and feelings of appreciation
FJ Flynn, GS Adams
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (2), 404-409, 2009
Saving face? When emotion displays during public apologies mitigate damage to organizational performance
L Ten Brinke, GS Adams
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 130, 1-12, 2015
Impediments to Forgiveness: Victim and Transgressor Attributions of Intent and Guilt.
GS Adams, ME Inesi
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 111 (6), 866-881, 2016
Forgiveness is not always divine: When expressing forgiveness makes others avoid you
GS Adams, X Zou, ME Inesi, MM Pillutla
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 126, 130-141, 2015
The Gifts We Keep on Giving: Documenting and Destigmatizing the Regifting Taboo
GS Adams, FJ Flynn, MI Norton
Psychological Science 23 (10), 1145-1150, 2012
The social and psychological costs of punishing
GS Adams, E Mullen, F Guala
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (1), 15, 2012
Asymmetries between victims' and transgressors' perspectives following interpersonal transgressions
GS Adams
Social Psychology and Personality Compass 10 (12), 722-735, 2016
Punishing the Perpetrator Decreases Compensation for Victims
GS Adams, E Mullen
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1-8, 2015
Increased voting for candidates who compensate victims rather than punish offenders
GS Adams, E Mullen
Social Justice Research 26 (2), 168-192, 2013
Anger Damns the Innocent
KA DeCelles, GS Adams, HS Howe, LK John
Psychological Science, 2021
When it pays to be kind: The allocation of indirect reciprocity within power hierarchies
ME Inesi, GS Adams, A Gupta
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 165, 115-126, 2021
If humans design the planet: A call for psychological scientists to engage with climate engineering.
BA Converse, PI Hancock, LE Klotz, AF Clarens, GS Adams
American Psychologist 76 (5), 768, 2021
Affective antecedents of revenge
K O’Connor, GS Adams
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1), 29-30, 2013
What we (do not) know about punishment across organizational boundaries
E Frey, GS Adams, J Pfeffer, P Belmi
Journal of Management 49 (1), 196-236, 2023
The social costs of forgiving following multiple-victim transgressions.
M Raj, SS Wiltermuth, GS Adams
Journal of personality and social psychology 119 (2), 344, 2020
Social perception in moral judgments of interpersonal transgressions
GS Adams, KS O'Connor, P Belmi
Current opinion in psychology 44, 177-181, 2022
“Braking” bad: How managers can respond to employee misbehavior
EL Frey, GS Adams, EA Bruno, JR Detert
Behavioral Science & Policy 8 (1), 61-77, 2022
Effects of ancestral information on social connectedness and life meaning
T Kim, M Austin, L Cian, GS Adams
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 111, 104563, 2024
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