Sona Hasani
Cited by
Cited by
Implementing big data strategies: A managerial perspective
P Tabesh, E Mousavidin, S Hasani
Business Horizons 62 (3), 347-358, 2019
Efficient construction of approximate ad-hoc ML models through materialization and reuse
S Hasani, S Thirumuruganathan, A Asudeh, N Koudas, G Das
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 11 (11), 1468-1481, 2018
Generating Preview Tables for Entity Graphs
N Yan, S Hasani, A Asudeh, C Li
SIGMOD 2016 prodeeding, 2016
An empirical study of questionnaires for the diagnosis of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea
S Ahmed, S Hasani, M Koone, S Thirumuruganathan, M Diaz-Abad, ...
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2018
TableView: A visual interface for generating preview tables of entity graphs
S Hasani, N Yan, C Li
2018 IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1617-1620, 2018
QR2: A third-party query reranking service over web databases
YD Gunasekaran, A Asudeh, S Hasani, N Zhang, A Jaoua, G Das
2018 IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1653-1656, 2018
ApproxML: efficient approximate ad-hoc ML models through materialization and reuse
S Hasani, F Ghaderi, S Hasan, S Thirumuruganathan, A Asudeh, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 12 (12), 1906-1909, 2019
DBLOC: density based clustering over location based services
YD Gunasekaran, MF Rahman, S Hasani, N Zhang, G Das
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, 1697 …, 2018
Shahin: Faster algorithms for generating explanations for multiple predictions
S Hasani, S Thirumuruganathan, N Koudas, G Das
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data, 2235 …, 2021
Multisource multicasting in IP/MPLS over WDM networks
S Hassani, WD Zhong
Photonic Network Communications 19, 170-181, 2010
Efficient Construction and Explanation of Machine Learning Models through Database Techniques
S Hasani
The University of Texas at Arlington, 2020
QR2: A third-party query reranking service over web databases
A Asudeh, S Hasani, N Zhang, A Jaoua, G Das
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018
A New Captcha Based on Understanding Harmony Images
A Kashian, S Hassani, EZ Moghaddam
International Conference on Internet Computing, 349-, 2010
Multi root node structure for dynamic multi-source multicasting in IP/MPLS over WDM networks
S Hassani, WD Zhong, SK Bose
OECC/ACOFT 2008-Joint Conference of the Opto-Electronics and Communications …, 2008
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Articles 1–14