Nik Callow
Nik Callow
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How does modifying a DEM to reflect known hydrology affect subsequent terrain analysis?
JN Callow, KP Van Niel, GS Boggs
Journal of hydrology 332 (1-2), 30-39, 2007
Satellite-derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM) selection, preparation and correction for hydrodynamic modelling in large, low-gradient and data-sparse catchments
AA Jarihani, JN Callow, TR McVicar, TG Van Niel, JR Larsen
Journal of Hydrology 524, 489-506, 2015
Blending Landsat and MODIS data to generate multispectral indices: A comparison of “Index-then-Blend” and “Blend-then-Index” approaches
AA Jarihani, TR McVicar, TG Van Niel, IV Emelyanova, JN Callow, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (10), 9213-9238, 2014
Evaluation of multiple satellite altimetry data for studying inland water bodies and river floods
AA Jarihani, JN Callow, K Johansen, B Gouweleeuw
Journal of Hydrology 505, 78-90, 2013
The effect of farm dams and constructed banks on hydrologic connectivity and runoff estimation in agricultural landscapes
JN Callow, KRJ Smettem
Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (8), 959-968, 2009
Unmanned aerial vehicle canopy reflectance data detects potassium deficiency and green peach aphid susceptibility in canola
D Severtson, N Callow, K Flower, A Neuhaus, M Olejnik, C Nansen
Precision Agriculture 17, 659-677, 2016
Satellite prediction of forest flowering phenology
DJ Dixon, JN Callow, JMA Duncan, SA Setterfield, N Pauli
Remote Sensing of Environment 255, 112197, 2021
Spatial complexities in aboveground carbon stocks of a semi-arid mangrove community: A remote sensing height-biomass-carbon approach
SM Hickey, NJ Callow, S Phinn, CE Lovelock, CM Duarte
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 200, 194-201, 2018
Where does all the water go? Partitioning water transmission losses in a data-sparse, multi-channel and low-gradient dryland river system using modelling and remote sensing
AA Jarihani, JR Larsen, JN Callow, TR McVicar, K Johansen
Journal of Hydrology 529, 1511-1529, 2015
Satellite‐derived estimates of forest leaf area index in southwest Western Australia are not tightly coupled to interannual variations in rainfall: implications for groundwater …
KRJ Smettem, RH Waring, JN Callow, M Wilson, Q Mu
Global Change Biology 19 (8), 2401-2412, 2013
Global warming in the context of 2000 years of Australian alpine temperature and snow cover
H McGowan, JN Callow, J Soderholm, G McGrath, M Campbell, J Zhao
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 4394, 2018
Seed traits determine species' responses to fire under varying soil heating scenarios
R Tangney, DJ Merritt, JN Callow, JB Fontaine, BP Miller
Functional Ecology 34 (9), 1967-1978, 2020
Regional-scale fire severity mapping of Eucalyptus forests with the Landsat archive
DJ Dixon, JN Callow, JMA Duncan, SA Setterfield, N Pauli
Remote Sensing of Environment 270, 112863, 2022
Studying reach-scale spatial hydrology in ungauged catchments
JN Callow, GS Boggs
Journal of Hydrology 496, 31-46, 2013
Drone photogrammetry and KMeans point cloud filtering to create high resolution topographic and inundation models of coastal sediment archives
JN Callow, SM May, M Leopold
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (12), 2603-2615, 2018
Chronostratigraphy and geomorphology of washover fans in the Exmouth Gulf (NW Australia)–A record of tropical cyclone activity during the late Holocene
SM May, D Brill, M Leopold, JN Callow, M Engel, A Scheffers, S Opitz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 169, 65-84, 2017
A synoptic classification of inflow-generating precipitation in the Snowy Mountains, Australia
A Theobald, H McGowan, J Speirs, N Callow
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 54 (8), 1713-1732, 2015
Channel response to a new hydrological regime in southwestern Australia
JN Callow, KRJ Smettem
Geomorphology 84 (3-4), 254-276, 2007
Detecting frost stress in wheat: A controlled environment hyperspectral study on wheat plant components and implications for multispectral field sensing
ME Murphy, B Boruff, JN Callow, KC Flower
Remote Sensing 12 (3), 477, 2020
ENSO feedback drives variations in dieback at a marginal mangrove site
SM Hickey, B Radford, JN Callow, SR Phinn, CM Duarte, CE Lovelock
Scientific reports 11 (1), 8130, 2021
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Articles 1–20